15 Benefits Of Offshore Hosting And How To Get Them!

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What are the benefits of Offshore Hosting and how to get them?

Here are 15 benefits of Offshore Hosting in a country like Iceland:

  • Ultra secure hosting solution.
  • Superior 24/7 support (response time within minutes).
  • 99.9% Server Uptime.
  • 30-day money back guarantee.
  • Signing Up Anonymously.
  • Modern Freedom of Speech legislation.
  • Bitcoin, PayPal, Wire Transfer, Cash by Mail accepted!
  • Frivolous DMCA Takedown Notices ignored.
  • Strong Privacy Protections.
  • First world country with rule of law and consumer protections.
  • Pricing comparable to many of the most popular Web Hosting companies based in other locations.

In fact, you can get all those benefits of Offshore Hosting at Orangewebsite today by clicking the link.

Orangewebsite is Iceland’s arguably most reliable and confidential Offshore Web Hosting Provider, so why not check them out.

In this post, I’m going to go over not only the benefits of Offshore Hosting, but also some additional frequently asked questions about Offshore Hosting and why you need to get yourself some Offshore Hosting today!

Why isn’t Offshore Hosting free?

Offshore Hosting isn’t free for the same reason why anything worthwhile isn’t free. However, you may be able to find some special deals or even a 30-day money back guarantee. 

In fact, I know of one great Offshore Hosting Company based out of Iceland that offers a 30-day money back guarantee. 

So you can try Offshore Hosting and see for yourself just how good it is.

What is an Offshore Dedicated Server?

An Offshore Dedicated Server is basically the same as any other Dedicated Server. Only an Offshore Dedicated Server is based outside of your home country or the country that you are currently doing business in. 

An Offshore Dedicated Server provides all the same services that any other Dedicated Server would provide, except that you are normally outside the jurisdiction of your home country or the country you’re doing business in. 

This means that unless the offshore country has a treaty or jurisdictional agreement with your home country, then they can’t shut your hosting down nor can they request any server logs. 

If for example, you get a Dedicated Server in a country like Iceland, not only does Iceland not have any binding jurisdictional agreements or treaties that would oblige them to open your Dedicated Server logs, but they also have very stringent privacy and freedom of speech protections. In fact, it’s in their legislation.

What is Offshore Cloud Hosting?

Offshore Cloud Hosting is a bit trickier than either Offshore Shared Hosting, VPS or a Dedicated Server Hosting plan. 

You see, Cloud Hosting normally refers to data centers that your Web Hosting Provider runs or leases. 

If you are considering Offshore Cloud Hosting the first question you need to ask the Offshore Web Hosting Provider is, “Where are the data centers that are hosting their Cloud Hosting clients located?

You see, just because a Web Hosting Provider advertises that they are an Offshore Web Host and include Cloud Hosting services, doesn’t mean that the servers that they lease from data centers are located in an Offshore country or jurisdiction.

What is Offshore Anonymous Hosting?

Offshore Anonymous Hosting is basically a hosting plan that is offered by an Offshore Hosting Provider that allows you to not only register a Domain Name anonymously, but allows you to register and pay for your hosting anonymously as well. 

Some Offshore Hosting companies offer for example, payment plans that include Bitcoin as well as the most anonymous source of payment available, cash. 

One such Offshore Hosting company, again based out of Iceland, is Orangewebsite.

Can I get Offshore Hosting with cPanel?

Normally, if you get a Shared Hosting plan from an Offshore Hosting Provider, it usually includes the cPanel dashboard.

Can I pay for Offshore Web Hosting with Bitcoin?

Some Offshore Web Hosting companies do offer the option to pay for your hosting with Bitcoin. Again, one such company Orangewebsite does offer this option.

The benefits of Offshore Hosting, summary.

To sum up, as you can see the benefits of Offshore Hosting are many. 

However, it is just as important not only which Offshore Web Hosting country you choose to host your website, but also selecting which Offshore web hosting company is the best choice to go with. 

You see, you can host your website in a country like Russia or some other country that may give the proverbial middle finger to places like the US, the UK etc. But, how do you know that those countries aren’t spying on your website and the content it contains as well? 

In addition, surely you must realize that your rights as a consumer will also be quite limited in those countries as well.

This means that the Web Hosting Company based in one of those countries can simply go out of business and take your website offline in the process. 

As a result, you will have no repercussions whatsoever to get your website or its files back online, unless of course you’ve saved them on your local computer. 

Furthermore, by hosting your website in countries that are seen by your native country as hostile, you will inadvertently put yourself up as a target for your own country’s intelligent services and other legal entities. 

Therefore, it is important that you not only choose a country that has strong freedom of speech legislation and privacy protections, but that is also a country that has fairly good relations with your home country. 

Preferably an “Offshore Web Hosting” company based in a first world country with consumer rights etc. Let’s not forget that privacy protection and freedom of speech as well as consumer rights are a two-way street. You also need protection as well. 

That’s why in my opinion, Iceland happens to be the best Offshore Web Hosting country in the world not only because of its strong freedom of speech and privacy protection laws, but it is also a first world country with great consumer protection laws and an overall rule of law as well. 

Having your website hosted in a country like Iceland is not going to throw up any red flags to most countries. Why? 

Well, Iceland is considered a friendly country by most and at the very least, a neutral country.

Moreover, your website won’t be red flagged for hosting it in a questionable country or one that would put up red flags with your home countries intelligence services or legal entities. 

There you have it. Both the obvious and not so obvious benefits of Offshore Hosting for your website. So, look into it today.

Web hosting in Iceland - OrangeWebsite.com