Build a profitable blog in 30 days. Think outside the box!

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Build a profitable blog in 30 days. Possible?

Yes, it is possible to build a profitable blog in 30 days, but it won’t be by traditional methods of SEO or even massive amounts of content creation.

You don’t have time for that and SEO is a long game, much longer than thirty days.

This post is going to assume that you already either have a blog or know how to set one up on WordPress.

So how then? How to build a profitable blog in thirty days?

First, by going through the monetization methods that won’t make a blog profitable in thirty days.

Then going through the monetization ways that can.

Finally going through the promotional methods you need to build a profitable blog in 30 days. Because in the end, you’re going to need traffic and targeted traffic quickly.

Because as I had mentioned in the beginning of this post, SEO is, well, too slow and won’t get you there in 30 days. But first, let’s talk about monetization.

Monetization strategies that won’t make a profitable blog in 30 days. These include:

  • Affiliate Marketing.
  • Display Advertising.

Monetization strategies that will build a profitable blog in 30 days. These include:

  • Creating a product or service you can sell yourself.
  • That product or service has to be more valuable than the promotional methods you will have to use to make your blog profitable in 30 days.

Build a profitable blog in 30 days, it’s all about promotion!

Since traditional SEO will be much too slow in getting your blog to profitability, then you are going to have to promote your blog into profitability and promote the hell out of it! This will take, of course, money!

Personally, I was able to build a small, but profitable blog, more a freelance/tutoring service site in thirty days. How? I did this through promotion.

But, with so many options for advertising online and through social media, which one should you choose?

Go with the one you know most about. All forms of online/social media advertising have their learning curves.

Because if you don’t grasp them and grasp them soon enough, you could lose your shirt, before you’re able to buy one with the profits you make from your blog.

So, if Facebook or Instagram is your thing, you understand how their advertising works or can grasp it quickly, go for it!

But for me, it was simple Google Adwords. Yes, that’s right, good old Adwords…

My story of how I turned my small blog into a profitable business within 30 days using Google Adwords.

I was an English teacher living in a foreign country at the time. I had just quit my job with a School and although I had some private students at the time, I wanted to expand.

Create a WordPress Blog and understand your advertising medium of choice.

So I created a small website which listed my experience, what I offered, pricing etc.

But that wasn’t enough. At the time I understood SEO enough to know it would take several months of creating content, possible link building (and the risks that it would bring) to be able to attract students and make a living.

I didn’t have that time and since I understood SEO better than say Facebook, Instagram or any of the other social media/online advertising outlets, Google Adwords was a natural choice.

Research your target market’s buyer intent keywords.

To make a long story short and without going into the details of how Adwords work to a certain extent, I simply did some keyword research into what potential students would type into Google’s Search Bar, if they were looking for a private teacher/tutor.

But I also searched for keywords in the language of the country I was in. I wasn’t fluent by any means in the language where I was living and working at the time, but I knew enough and along with Google translate I was able to come up with some additional great keywords.

In fact, within the Google keyword planner tool you can put the settings to not only English but what other language you want.

So when you use the tool it will also populate with keywords in your target languages for your targeted country, state, city, region etc.

I’m not going to go over the intricacies of doing keyword research or Google AdWords using Google’s Keyword Planner, but you can click the link, which should get you started in how to use the tool.

Then I chose various keywords and looked at their “cost per click”. Since each click costs money, I needed to be right if I were going to stay within a budget.

Start with a small budget.

Once I had chosen my keywords and set up my Google Adwords Account, I then budgeted about $100.

I also again, confirmed my keywords and my target geographic area. You can play around with the settings as well as limit a per day spend if you like.

Write your Ads, carefully!

I wrote my ads to be specific and as money saving as possible. You’re only limited to a certain amount of characters in your Google AdWords ad.

You can set up different ads for the same campaign of course, but each ad will be limited in the amount of characters.

I put only the most important details in the shortest amount of words possible, but I also included my price.

Advertisers don’t include their prices in their advertising, which I never understand since you get a lot of wasted clicks by people just clicking your ad so they can find out your prices.

I wanted to filter out anyone who couldn’t afford my services. It was as simple as that.

At the time I charged $50 per lesson. It was what I was getting from my current students and it was within the price of the demographic I was targeting.

Results and Success! 

So with a $100 budget set, I basically needed just one student for two lessons to pay for that budget. It really was that simple.

Within a week I had one student and within two I had two or three students.

The thing is though, if you do a proper job in whatever product or service you’re advertising as well as give your customers what they want they will not hesitate in just getting a one-time service from you, but become repeat, steady customers.

So for example, most of my students had two lessons per week. Some had even three lessons per week.

After a month and a $200 spend with Google ads, I got about four or five students all with a minimum of two times per week lessons.

So as you can see I made a very profitable blog within 30 days setting it up.

Build a profitable blog in 30 days. Think outside the box! Summary.

In the end though, you’re going to have to figure out what best works for you as well as what kind of product or service you can offer at what price range.

Then you will need to pick an online advertising/promotional medium of choice whether that’s Google AdWords, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram you name it.

Just pick one that you can pretty much get a grasp over in as little time as possible, so you can get started.

There’s no faster way to waste a bunch of money than by picking a platform you know nothing about and just throwing money at it while you learn.

So that’s it! That’s how you can build a profitable blog in less than 30 days.

Try it out for yourself!

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