How to Use cPanel for Multiple Users. It’s a Piece of Cake!

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Using cPanel for multiple users.

cPanel is a web hosting control panel used for managing web servers, domains, databases and email accounts. It is widely adopted in the industry with over 100’s of thousands of known deployments.

In comparison to other panels, cPanel provides a significantly higher level of automation and configurability.

This allows cPanel users to set-up new services or client sites with much ease compared to other control panels and dashboards with multiple users.

cPanel is used in many hosting environments, both for Shared Hosting and VPS, due to its flexibility.

cPanel does support multiple users. This allows each user on the machine to have their own username and password to log into cPanel.

For example, you can set up a username ‘john’ instead of using the administrator username ‘root’. In this case, root won’t have access to cPanel, but “John” will.

This feature has been supported since cPanel version 11.44 released in December 2016. You can enable this feature by going into WHM (WebHost Manager) then Tweak setting, and there you’ll find a toggle to support “Multiple users”.

After enabling the feature you need to login as root, then set up new usernames with passwords. Assign each username their own directory & home directory too (optional).

Note that this will not affect your main administrator account ‘root’. Root can continue to use cPanel like normal.

However, if you configure each client with an individual username and password, it will give that client more control over their hosting account.

The client will be able to manage their site files, databases and email accounts without having to contact the hosting company for support.

If you’re a cPanel user and are looking for a way to provide your clients with more autonomy, then consider using the multiple users feature.

This will give your clients more control over their hosting account and allow them to manage their site without relying on you.

How can I have multiple users on cPanel?

On cPanel, a single installation can have multiple users. Each of them will be given an individual login and password to access their own account.

If you want one user to have more than one account, then it is possible by adding the username with its corresponding password in their file under the /home directory. This way they can all get access to their own account without any problems.

Alternatively, if you want to give one user access to more than one account, then it’s possible by adding the username with its corresponding password in the same file.

This way they will have access to all the accounts that are mentioned in the file.

There are a few restrictions though: They won’t be able to access the files located in other users’ home directories, and they also won’t be able to view any of the logs that are generated by other users.

How to set up cPanel for multiple users.

Here’s how to set up cPanel for multiple users. This is a great way to allow your team access to your hosting account without giving them your login information.

Step: 1. First, you will need to create a new cPanel user. To do this, log in to cPanel and click on the ‘Add a New User’ button.

Step: 2. Fill out the necessary information and click ‘Make Changes’.

Step: 3. Go to your cPanel and create a new folder under File Manager called: /home/username (username=the username of the user you wish to add). Make sure that this user has full access to this directory.

Step: 4. Now, you will need to create a new .htaccess file and copy the following code into it:

AuthUserFile /home/username/.htpasswd

AuthGroupFile /dev/null

AuthName “Secure Area”

AuthType Basic

require valid-user

Step: 5. Replace ‘username’ with the username of the cPanel user you wish to add. Then upload this .htaccess file into that new directory (/home/username) and not into the root of your hosting account.

Step: 6. Now, go back to the ‘Add a New User’ page and click on: “Manage Home Directory Permissions”. Keep everything as default and hit ‘Save Changes’.

Step: 7. Now, go back to your cPanel and refresh. Go to the user’s home directory (/home/username) and you will see a .htpasswd file.

Step: 8. Click on it to view the login information for this user.

Step: 9. Copy this information into notepad or anything because you will need this for the last step.

You can now give this login information to your friends or family and they will be able to access your cPanel account.

Step: 10. Now, open up a web browser and type in: (replace ‘’ with the domain name of your website). This will take them to the cPanel login page.

Enter the username and password that you copied and hit ‘Login’.

You will now be able to manage your website from this user’s cPanel account.

Congratulations, you have now set up cPanel for multiple users! This is a great way to give access to your hosting account without giving away your login information.

Using cPanel for multiple users. Final thoughts.

cPanel is a great way to manage multiple users on your website. You can set up user accounts, passwords, and permissions with ease. cPanel also makes it easy to keep track of who is doing what on your website.

Even though cPanel is not perfect, cPanel is still an excellent hosting control panel. One of the things cPanel is great at is making it easy to manage multiple users and user accounts on your website from one interface.

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