Anonymous Blog Hosting and why get it, FAQs.

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What exactly is Anonymous Blog Hosting?

Anonymous blog hosting is basically when you have your website hosted with a company, usually an offshore web hosting company, hosting your website.

Believe it or not, many blogs on the internet today are actually hosted to one degree or another anonymously. How is this done? 

If you have a website or a blog that you host through a web hosting provider even in your home country, and you have what is called “Whois protection”, you do have a degree of anonymity for your blog. 

If you simply put in the URL of many blogs in any number of web analytics websites online, you usually won’t find any personal names associated with any particular blog. 

You may have the web hosting provider as well as the domain name registrar listed, but as far as a physical person and their identifying details, like names and addresses, it’s absent.

However, many times we want extra protection and privacy. That’s why we turn to blog and web hosting providers who offer this extra protection, so that our blogs and websites can remain even more anonymous.

In this post, we are going to go over the basics of anonymous blog hosting, answer some frequently asked questions and show you why, you too, should get anonymous blog hosting.

Why get Anonymous Blog Hosting?

There are many reasons why you would want to get anonymous blog hosting, although in this post we will not be addressing any issues that may promote or encourage illegal activities.

One of the biggest reasons to get anonymous blog hosting is to protect your identity so that you can feel free to express your opinions and points of view. 

Whether they are political, cultural and controversial or you simply don’t want your friends, family and or business associates and colleagues to know this side of your life and points of view.

Perhaps you have a very odd or unusual hobby that may attract unwanted attention to you or your family.

Maybe that unusual hobby or interest is something that might cause embarrassment to your business or to your employer. How many times have you read in the news about people getting fired for simply expressing themselves and exercising their freedom of speech rights? 

Especially nowadays, even if expressing your freedom of speech does no harm nor encourages harm to anyone else. But, it is still not only looked down upon, but can’t actually cost you your job and your livelihood.

You can never be too careful. Anonymous blog hosting can provide you with that extra protection to express yourself. But, anonymous blog hosting is not an invitation to promote or use your blog for anything illegal.

However, you can basically create a whole new identity for yourself anonymously online by having your blog hosted anonymously. You can express yourself, your points of view and engage with others with similar points of view and interests. 

You can even create a community on your blog, all the while keeping it anonymous.

Where can I get Anonymous Blog Hosting?

As I’ve mentioned above, anonymous blog hosting is normally considered blog hosting that is outside your home country. 

For example, let’s say you live under an oppressive dictatorship or in a country where free speech is basically forbidden. 

You’d like to speak out against the local government, but out of a fear of exposure you want your blog hosted in another country that won’t oppress you for your views against your own local government. 

Then perhaps you might want to get your website hosted in a country like the United States.

However, let’s say you live in the United States, but you hold political or cultural views that are against the current political correctness environment. 

Although the United States does have freedom of speech enshrined in its constitution, it’s interpretation is often disputed. Not to mention, laws like DMCA are often used against its initial intent as a way to stifle a person’s free speech by using frivolous DMCA takedown notices, for example. I will get into this more below.

There are many countries outside the United States and the “Five Eyes” which do offer anonymous blog hosting. 

The most common and well-known countries are of course, Russia, countries in Eastern Europe as well as Asia. However, there are other countries outside of these areas that also offer anonymous blog hosting. 

You might be thinking, “Yeah, I’ll just get my website hosted in Russia, Hong Kong or even some former Soviet republics in Central Asia. Why not?” 

But don’t forget, you also have to make sure that your rights as well as your pocketbook are also protected. 

For example:

  • What would you do if you contracted with a web hosting provider in one of those countries above who have very weak consumer protection laws etc. and they go out of business?
  • What happens to your website?
  • What happens to the money you paid for hosting?
  • What about customer service and support?
  • How well do they speak English?
  • Will they be there if your site goes down?
  • Are there servers dependable?
  • How about power cuts which are often common in these countries? 

All these are questions you need to ask yourself.

That’s why first world countries like the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Iceland are ideal locations for anonymous blog hosting. 

Take Iceland for example. My personal favorite. Here are some of the benefits of hosting your blog anonymously in Iceland with a company like

  •  Ultra secure hosting solution
  •  Superior 24/7 support (response time within minutes)
  •  99.9% Server Uptime
  •  30-day money back guarantee
  •  Signing Up Anonymously
  •  Modern Freedom of Speech legislation
  •  Bitcoin, PayPal, Wire Transfer, even Cash by Mail accepted!

How does Anonymous Blog Hosting protect me against DMCA takedown notices? 

Most Web Hosts when they receive a DMCA takedown notice will notify you immediately and either take down your entire website or take down offending pages that were listed in the DMCA take down notice. 

Your Web Host will then expect you to sort out the issue before allowing your website to go back online. They do this mostly to protect themselves because, they too, can be held liberal even if the DMC attack down notice is frivolous and is being used for nothing other than to prevent you from exercising your freedom of speech rights for their own nefarious reasons. 

Web Hosts really don’t care. It’s just much easier for them to take down your website than to have to deal with every frivolous DMCA take down notices. 

Whereas an offshore anonymous blog hosting provider will not respond to US or other countries version of a DMCA takedown notice. 

They will, out of courtesy of course, notify you, and as long as your content isn’t breaking their own local laws under their country’s jurisdiction, then they will of course expect you to deal with it in any way you see fit, but most importantly, they will not take down your website. 

Although most frivolous DMCA take down notices can be handled, it is not without lost time, aggravation and possible lost revenue due to your website or your content being offline for the period of time it will take you to sort it out.

So by getting anonymous blog hosting offshore this is just one less risk or hassle you need to worry about.

In this day and age, with the #metoo movements and the “woke culture” along with decades of political correctness, you can never have too much freedom of speech and privacy protection.

How does Anonymous Blog Hosting protect my privacy? 

Speaking of privacy, when you get an Anonymous blog hosting provider in Iceland, local Icelandic laws have some of the most stringent privacy protections in the world.

How does Anonymous Blog Hosting protect my freedom of speech rights?

By hosting your blog anonymously in Iceland you will enjoy the same freedom of speech rights as Icelandic citizens do for your blog. Iceland has some of the strongest freedom of speech rights in the world along with their stringent privacy protections. 

You can rest assured that your identity will remain anonymous by hosting in Iceland.

Is Anonymous Blog Hosting expensive? 

Surprisingly, anonymous offshore blog hosting isn’t expensive at all. In fact, you may find the prices for various anonymous blog hosting plans to be as affordable and sometimes even cheaper than your local, more popular domestic blog hosting plans.

Anonymous Blog Hosting, conclusions.

There are many reasons why you would want to get anonymous blog hosting, especially offshore. 

It’s not a question of why should you get anonymous blog hosting for your blog, but why not? 

You can get anonymous blog hosting for about the same price, maybe even less, than what you’re currently paying for non-anonymous blog hosting. 

Plus you would get all the benefits that anonymous blog hosting has to offer, especially the freedom of speech and privacy protections. 

So the only question is now, what are you waiting for? 

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