Hosting a website in another country. Why and how to do it.

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Why hosting a website in another country is a good idea.

Hosting a website in another country is a great idea. Here’s why:

  • Hosting a website in another country can provide you not only with anonymous web hosting options including anonymous payment options for that hosting, but can also offer DMCA ignored hosting options as well.
  • You can usually get much better deals and services from web hosting providers located in other countries. In many of these countries, the support staff speak excellent English.
  • Hosting a website in another country can also provide you with many upgraded hosting options like Cloud Hosting, VPS as well as Dedicated Server Hosting, sometimes at much lower prices than hosting a website in your home country.

Can I even host my website in another country?

The good news is that, yes, you can host your website in another country. There are no laws currently on the books that say the citizens of one country cannot host their website in another country. 

That is unless you’re living under a dictatorship. 

In fact, hosting a website in another country is an excellent option if you’re looking for some additional privacy protection as well as lower costs, environmentally friendly energy supplies, privacy protections and better service options.

How do I host a website offshore in another country?

The best way to host a website offshore in another country would be to check out offshore hosting from a company based in Iceland called, “”. Follow their registration process and you’re good to go. You can even pay with Bitcoin!

Here are the benefits you get when hosting a website in another country like Iceland with a company like

  •  Ultra secure hosting solution.
  •  Superior 24/7 support (response time within minutes).
  •  99.9% Server Uptime.
  •  30-day money back guarantee.
  •  Signing Up Anonymously.
  •  Modern Freedom of Speech legislation.
  •  Bitcoin, PayPal, Wire Transfer, Cash by Mail accepted!

About Iceland’s “Modern Freedom of Speech legislation”, “In 2010 The Icelandic Parliament unanimously passed a proposal to make the country a “new media haven”. The proposal, entitled the “Icelandic Modern Media Initiative“, resolves to task the government with finding ways to strengthen freedoms of expression and information freedom in Iceland, as well as providing strong protections for sources and whistleblowers.

If you’d like to shop around then check out web hosting providers located outside your home country and their reviews. 

Then contact the web hosting provider and ask them all kinds of questions that are important to you and the needs of your website’s hosting needs and see if they could accommodate them.

However, if you want to save time, money and get all the benefits of hosting your website in another country outside of your homeland’s jurisdiction, then simply go to and sign up. Problems solved!

Does it matter where I host my website?

This depends mostly on where a web host has their servers located. 

In addition, if you’re looking for more privacy protection as well as great support and service then you might want to think about hosting your website offshore. 

You can get all the benefits that all the most popular web hosts offer, but with the privacy, freedom of speech protection, costs etc. 

By getting yourself a web host that is located offshore, but in another first world country that not only takes privacy matters seriously, but you also get rule of law.

Does server location affect SEO?

Server location does affect SEO in the fact that how fast a web page loads in a user’s browser does affect the overall page experience. 

It is well known that Google does take web page loading speeds as a factor in their algorithm, thus affecting SEO. “Speed is now a landing page factor for Google Search and Ads.

So the closer a server location is to a user, the faster the page will load into their browsers. 

Therefore, server location does affect SEO. However, many web hosts lease servers from huge data centers across the world. 

Many of these servers or “data farms” are located right in the United States. 

As a result, if the majority of your users are from the United States, they will get their content much faster and when served from servers inside the United States. 

You can also engage the help of a CDN, even if the majority of the content is based on servers outside the United States, many CDNs are located within the United States. 

So at the very least, your users can get their static content served through their browsers just as fast.

Hosting a website in another country

Hosting a website in another country can bring you benefits that you may never have considered possible, especially when compared to your local or domestic web hosting providers.

These benefits include strict privacy protection laws. Strong freedom of speech legislative protections as well as anonymity. All at no extra cost from you.

You can pay for your web hosting anonymously as well through the use of Bitcoin or even cash sent through the mail, if you host it in Iceland.

All these benefits of hosting your website in another country can cost you about the same and oftentimes cheaper, than web hosting in your own country or from a US or UK based web hosting provider.

So, if you’ve been hesitant on hosting your website in another country, hopefully this post has alleviated some of those concerns. 

In fact, you won’t realize how liberating it truly is to say what you like and be able to express yourself online without having to look over your shoulder that big brother or some politically correct organization or even troll with an axe to grind, is looking to get you.

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