How powerful is WordPress? 33 powerful reasons to get it.

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How powerful is WordPress?

In this post, I’m going to go over just how powerful WordPress truly is. Here are 33 reasons why WordPress is so powerful and why you should get it today!

  • WordPress CMS powers more websites than any CMS on the Planet!

According to this “W3Techs Market Share” report, WordPress nowadays powers up to 40% of all websites on the world wide web. Now that’s powerful!

  • Customizable.

WordPress is customizable. Once you get your theme installed on your WordPress website, you’ll have access to widgets to help you organize your site. 

You can also change the colors, headers, footers, sizes of the containers etc. on your WordPress website to make it look the way you want it. 

In addition, you can upload plugins which will give your WordPress website the customized functions that you would like it to perform.

  • WordPress has loads of themes and plugins.

WordPress has over 8,000 free themes and over 50,000 plugins and counting. Plus there are many more paid themes and plugins as well.

  • Easy to use, configure and setup.

Whether you have your WordPress website hosted on or you self-host it with another Web Hosting Provider, most Web Hosting Providers make installing WordPress a piece of cake, including a one click installation right from your Web Hosting Provider’s dashboard. 

Configuring and setting up is also very self-explanatory. You don’t need to be a “Techie” to get a WordPress website up and live on the internet in minutes.

  • WordPress provides multilingual support.

WordPress provides multilingual support. So it doesn’t matter which language you speak, when you install your WordPress website you can do so in your own native language. 

In addition, there’s plenty of tutorials and documentation written in many languages on that you can consult.

  • WordPress is Free.

WordPress is free. This means that all you need to do is go to WordPress.orgm if you don’t have any Hosting, and download WordPress, themes and/or plugins onto your local computer. 

In fact, you can even set up an entire WordPress website on your local computer. You can practice customizing it and getting at the way you want it to look before choosing your Web Host. 

Here’s a post on how you could do just that, “Can I build a WordPress site without hosting? You bet you can!

  • WordPress is Open Source.

WordPress CMS is not proprietary. This means that all WordPress themes, plugins, coding etc. are all free to use and customize. 

Whether you buy a WordPress theme or you opt for a free WordPress theme as well as plugins, what you create with those are yours to keep and do with what you want. You can also host it anywhere as well, unlike a closed source CMS.

  • WordPress is great for SEO.

WordPress was built with SEO in mind. WordPress also has many SEO plugins that you can use to further optimize your WordPress website for SEO.

  • WordPress is Safe and Secure.

WordPress gets a bad rap. Some say that it’s not secure and prone to hacking. However, WordPress is also the most popular CMS on the internet today. 

So of course, it’s going to be the biggest target. 

With that in mind, it’s amazing how safe and secure WordPress is. 

WordPress is constantly updating its core and providing more and more security features to make your WordPress site safe from nefarious characters on the web as well as attacks.

  • WordPress Can Manage Different Media Types.

Whether you want to upload some great looking photos, embed a video or even host video right from your WordPress website, WordPress makes it quite easy to manage various types of media. 

WordPress websites even have media libraries built into its dashboard where you can store all your various medium forms and use them throughout your WordPress website when needed. 

You can also customize those various forms of media to enlarge or make them smaller, place them in between paragraphs or as headers etc.

  • Flexibility.

WordPress is very flexible. Whether you want just a small personal blog to blog about your adventures or you want to create a website around your hobbies and interests. 

Perhaps you would like to attach a forum or turn it into a membership website. 

Maybe you want to grow it into a full scale business that replaces your day job. You could do all of that with WordPress.

  • Easy to learn.

WordPress is very easy to learn. You could find countless courses both free and paid. 

There are tons of YouTube videos that can walk you through any function you want to do with WordPress. You can also take a slower approach and learn by doing as well. has tutorials and support and other documentation to help you learn WordPress and the WordPress ecosystem.

  • Huge Community.

WordPress has one of the largest webmaster and developer communities in the world. You’ll find many forums with specific WordPress subforms. You’ll also find WordPress forums on Reddit, Quora,, etc. also has its own WordPress community as well. You also find many Facebook groups, etc. for WordPress enthusiasts. 

The great thing about the WordPress community is that most are quite helpful and are willing to share their experiences. 

They can even help you with some issues you may be having with WordPress when you’re first starting now or even if you are fully knowledgeable in WordPress. The learning with WordPress never seems to end.

  • Has more available and free resources than any other CMS in the World.

WordPress has tons of free resources where you can get tips and advice on how to design your website, including what tools to use. 

There are also many libraries filled with coding snippets that can do just about anything to a WordPress website with. 

Although if you don’t know how to code, that’s okay too. WordPress has loads of resources on as well as and many other places on the internet. 

  • Monetize.

It’s quite easy to monetize a WordPress website. You can add some affiliate links to products and services that are related to your website’s content. 

You can also use Google Adsense and make money from advertising. 

If you get enough traffic, i.e. visitors, you may even qualify for a premium display ad network which pays you even more money than Google Adsense.

You’re not limited to those types of monetization either. You can also offer your own products and services. 

In fact, here’s a couple of posts you can read for some monetization ideas for your WordPress website.


  • Ecommerce options.

In addition to the above monetization possibilities, you can also add an ecommerce store to your WordPress blog or website. 

In fact, WordPress has its own ecommerce platform called WooCommerce. 

With WooCommerce you could set up an entire ecommerce store and sell all kinds of products. You can even do drop shipping with WooCommerce.

  • Free to self-host your website anywhere you like.

Unlike closed source CMSs, where not only do you not own your theme or any customizations you’ve done to it, but you’re also stuck with their hosting platform. 

If these closed source platforms raise prices or change the terms or if their service deteriorates, you’re out of luck. 

However, with WordPress, since it is open source, you can host it anywhere you like. 

You can either host it on or have it self-hosted on any number of independent Web Hosting Providers. You can get the kind of performance and price that fits your budget and your website’s needs.

  • Mobile friendly.

WordPress comes mobile friendly right out of the box. Most WordPress themes nowadays are already optimized for mobile devices.

So whether a user is on their laptop, desktop, tablet or on their cell phone, your content will look great and will fit every device. 

In addition, because WordPress is mobile friendly, you know that it will load fast and look great, all at the same time.

  • Easily Integratable with other platforms.

If you have an ecommerce store for example, or take any kind of payment, you’ll find WordPress as well as Woocommerce can easily integrate with such popular payment platforms like PayPal, Stripe etc.

  • Social media integration.

You can easily sync your WordPress website with the most popular social media platforms on the planet like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube etc. 

So as soon as you publish a post you can promote it through those social media platforms as well as others. 

WordPress also has many plugins that can help you to make those integrations seamless.

  • Membership options.

If you have special content or other perks that you put a lot of time into, why not get compensated for it? 

By having a members only section of your WordPress website you can provide exclusive content to your readers and charge for of course. 

You could do this with any number of membership plugins that will create a membership section of your WordPress website and will help you establish pay walls etc. for exclusive content.

  • Forum options.

If you want to develop a community around your WordPress website or blog, there’s no better way to do that than adding a forum to it. Through your forum you can build a very loyal following. 

However, the real gold in forums is that you have an audience you can promote your products and services to including ebooks and courses etc. 

There’s plenty of things you could do with a forum if you implement it right.

  • Multi-user capabilities.

If you have other content creators that you would like to use on your website, you can give them various roles. 

For example, if you have some writers that you would like to publish guest posts from, you can give them special access to your WordPress Dashboard in order for them to publish their posts themselves without having you become the bottleneck. 

This way you can ensure that content is constantly being created and published on your WordPress website. 

You can also limit any users to your WordPress Dashboard by giving them special roles like guest author, editor etc.

  • Quick and easy publishing.

WordPress was originally created for bloggers. So it’s very easy to publish articles, posts and pages through your WordPress Dashboard.  

Whether you use the fairly new Gutenberg editor or you are sticking with the Classic WordPress editor. Publishing on WordPress is quick and easy with its WYSIWYG Editor format. 

All you need to do is type right in the editor, you can also do all your formatting etc right within the WordPress as well as add some images etc. Then, just hit publish and your content is live for the whole world to read. The interface is easy and very self-explanatory.

  • Publishing Tools.

There are loads of publishing tools that you can use. Whether they are plugins, various editors that you could put into your dashboard, options for colors, fonts, tables, bullet points etc. 

With the Gutenberg editor you can also add what are called “blocks” and add all kinds of features to make your writing “pop”, like “quotation” areas within your posts. There’s so many publishing tools you can use with the Gutenberg block editor alone. You should really check it out.

  • No coding necessary.

Don’t know any coding or have any coding knowledge? That’s okay! 

With WordPress you don’t need to be a coder, programmer or even a developer in order to get a great looking and functional website up on the internet in no time. No barriers to entry.

  • Regular updates.

WordPress not only continues to evolve and improve, but it also provides its users with regular and free core updates. 

WordPress is constantly streamlining its own core as well as constantly adding security and other safeguards. 

This helps ensure that WordPress users are getting the most secure CMS possible for their websites.

  • Edit Images in WordPress.

If you have some great images that you would like featured in your WordPress website, WordPress comes with its own image editing software built right into its core. 

In addition, WordPress has all kinds of image plugins which can not only help you customize those images so they look great in your website as well as in your posts, but you can also optimize those images so that they load as quickly as possible into your user’s browsers.

  • Built-in Comments.

WordPress comes with the ability for your users to leave comments on your posts. You can also disable this feature as well, if you find blog comments counterproductive to your blogging goals.

  • Built-in Block Editor.

About 3 years ago WordPress added its own type of page builder in the form of a block editor called Gutenberg. 

With Gutenberg you can add all kinds of features to your blog posts to make them look like they just got out of a professional print shop. 

With the Gutenberg block editor WordPress made many of these types of features that were only formerly available through plugins and 3rd party page builders, native to WordPress and now come standard with every WordPress installation.

  • Access to Page Builders both free and paid.

However, as great as Gutenberg may seem, it doesn’t do everything. 

Though Gutenberg has raised the bar for many page builders. 

As a result, many page builders have added all kinds of additional functionalities which you can still add to your WordPress website.

Many of these independent page builders also have free versions that you can use.

  • Easily Migratable.

If you don’t like your current Web Host or feel you need to upgrade for better performance, you can migrate your entire WordPress website to another Web Host. 

The beauty of open source is, after all, your ability to have your website hosted anywhere you like. 

WordPress has migration plugins available for you to wrap everything up and move your entire website when you feel the time is right to another Web Host.

  • Easily Sellable.

WordPress websites right now are selling like hotcakes. Of course, the value of a WordPress website is mostly determined by how much revenue it is generating on a monthly basis for their webmaster. 

But it’s a lot easier to sell a WordPress website, which most people in the industry are very familiar with, than it is to sell a closed source CMS. Why? 

First, most webmasters and those who buy and sell websites are very familiar with WordPress and even may have their own theme and plugin preferences. 

They can either keep your theme and make some changes to it. 

Or they may prefer to use their own theme. So swapping one WordPress theme for another is much easier than going from one CMS to another. Especially, if that CMS is closed source.

Another reason is, well, simply because when you sell your website the new owner may have their own Web Host that they may want to have all their websites hosted on. 

That Web Hosting Provider might not be the same as the one you are currently using. When you buy a website, the converse is also true. 

You might like the website and the revenue it generates, but you may have your own preferences as far as Web Hosting Providers are concerned. 

With WordPress you can easily migrate a website from one Web Host to another.

How powerful is WordPress, conclusion.

There you have it! 33 reasons why WordPress is so powerful! You may come up with a few more of your own. In any event, WordPress isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. 

In fact, WordPress continues to grow to the detriment of many closed source based CMS competitors who would like to see the contrary happen. 

But since WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet today, it’s infrastructure is the most built out of any CMS you’ll find on the internet. 

So if you are serious about starting a website or even a blog, you can do no better than WordPress.

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