How To Make A WordPress Website Live. Get It Live FAQs.

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How to make a WordPress website live.

If you are self hosting your WordPress website and not having it hosted on, here’s how to make a WordPress website live with a self hosting provider in 6 easy steps:

Step 1. Register your domain name.

Register a dot com, dot co, dot org or any other domain of your choice with a favorite registrar for about 10 bucks. Namecheap is perfect if you’re looking for the most affordable prices.

Step 2. Set up Hosting.

Almost any Web Host will do the trick, but I’m partial to Orangewebsite because their servers are always fast and reliable (plus, they are based Offshore in Iceland).

Once you’ve registered for an account and chosen your plan, you’ll need to upload your website files to their servers.

This can be done with an FTP client like FileZilla, or through the cPanel of your hosting account.

Step 3. Point your Name Servers.

Once you’ve purchased your Domain Name and set up your Web Hosting, it’s time to point your Domain Servers, from your Domain Name Registrar ( where you had bought your Domain Name) to your Web Hosting Providers servers.

Your Web Provider will give their identifying Domain Name Servers. You will list these identifying DNS in your Domain Name Registrars Account where instructed.

It’s quite easy and only takes a few minutes. However, it may take up to 24 hours before you site is online so don’t panic. In most cases though it will take under an hour before your site is live.

If you have any questions, see your Web Hosting Providers resources guide for step by step instructions.

Step 4. Install WordPress.

Once your hosting account is all set up, it’s time to install WordPress. This is a very easy process that can be completed in a few clicks from your hosting account’s cPanel.

Step 5. Pick and install your Theme and Plugins.

Now it’s time to start customizing your website! The easiest way to do this is by installing a Theme (a pre-made template for your website) and Plugins (extensions that add new functionality to WordPress).

There are thousands of free and premium themes and plugins to choose from, so take your time browsing around until you find something you like.

Step 6. Set up your website.

The final step is to configure your website. This will involve adding pages, configuring your settings, and adding content. There are plenty of helpful tutorials available online that can walk you through the process.

And voilà! You now made a WordPress website and put it live on the internet!

How long does it take for WordPress site to go live?

It can take anywhere from a few minutes, an hour or even a full day. All these factors to be fully functional due to the installation process of WordPress (themes, plugins) and integrating your custom Domain Name will depend on your site, Domain Name Registrar and your Web Hosting Provider.

A new site on can go live within minutes of completing the signup process, however, this doesn’t include setting up your theme and installing plugins.

Can I build a WordPress site before going live?

Yes, you can do this locally on your own computer before launching your website. This is a good way to test drive your website before it goes live. Here’s a post on how you can do just that, “Can I build a WordPress site without hosting? You bet you can!“.

You can also use this time to make any tweaks or changes you want to the site’s design or content.

When creating a WordPress site, you have two options: you can either build it yourself or use a third-party platform or service that will create a WordPress site for you.

If you want to create a WordPress site from scratch, there are a few things you’ll need: a domain name, hosting, and the WordPress software.

If you’re not sure how to set up a WordPress site, there are plenty of online tutorials that can walk you through the process.

And if you get stuck, you can find plenty of Forum filled with WordPress experts who can help you out.

Once your WordPress site is set up, you’ll need to choose a theme for your site. There are thousands of free and paid themes to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that fits your needs.

You can also customize your theme to match your brand or create a custom theme if you want.

Once your WordPress site is set up, you can start creating your content.

How do I move my WordPress site from local to live?

WordPress is a content management system used for creating websites and blogs. It’s one of the most popular tools out there, which means you’re in good company if you use it!

If you’ve set up your site on localhost or on your own computer, how do you get it live so that the world can see?

There are a few different routes you can go down.

First, ensure that you’re ready to launch your site. Test your plugins and theme thoroughly, and make sure all of the functionality works how you want it to.

You should also check the appearance on a variety of devices such as tablets and smartphones, as you don’t want any nasty surprises once your site goes live.

* Upload your files to a Web Host. This can be done through an FTP client such as FileZilla, or through the cPanel of your Web Host.

If you’re not sure how to do this, ask your host for help, they should be more than happy to help you.

* Enable your Web Host’s auto-installer, if there is one. This will automatically install WordPress for you on the live server, and copy the files across too.

Again, how this works will depend on your host, some use the “one-click install” or Softaculous; others may require you to upload a zip file.

* Configure the live domain name to point at your Web Host’s server: how you do this will vary depending on how your site is hosted and how its DNS settings are configured.

You may need to use some kind of DNS manager if your host doesn’t offer a control panel.

* Log in to your WordPress site and enter your new website address. The site will then start copying over the files from the live server to your own computer, so you can see how it looks and test it properly.

Once everything is in place, you can make the switch and everything will go live.

Why isn’t my WordPress site live?

There are a few common reasons why your WordPress site might not be live. One reason is that your website might not be connected to the internet.

To check this, open up a web browser and type in your website’s address. If the website doesn’t load, then there’s a good chance that your site isn’t connected to the internet.

Another reason your website might not be live is if you’re still in the process of building it.

WordPress sites can take a few minutes to go live after you’ve published them. If you’ve just published your site and it’s not live yet, give it a few minutes and check back later.

If your WordPress site still isn’t live, there might be a problem with your Web Host. Contact your Web Host’s support team and they’ll be able to help you get your site up and running.

Now that you know how to make a WordPress website live, go ahead and give it a try! If you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to reach to your Web Host for assistance.

How to make a WordPress website live, summary.

And that’s it. You now have a live WordPress website with no fuss and minimal effort. I hope this post has been helpful for you.

So what are you waiting for?

Get your new WordPress site up and running today so you can start taking advantage of all the benefits of using one as an online business owner and start turning your visitors into customers!

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