How To Promote An Anonymous Blog And Remain Anonymous. FAQs.

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How to promote an Anonymous Blog.

Promoting an anonymous blog can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. Here are 10 ways how to promote an anonymous blog:

1. Create engaging content.

2. Set Up Your Social Media Profiles like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.

3. Be Active on Forums.

4. Promote on Social Media Platform.

5. Be Active on Pinterest.

6. Blog on Medium.

7. Make a free anonymous blog on Blogger.

8. Do Guest Posting on related blogs and websites.

9. Connect with other anonymous bloggers.

10. Use SEO techniques to gain more visibility online, while staying invisible personally.

The answer to how to promote an anonymous blog is simple and conventional when you think about it. You promote an anonymous blog in the same way as you would a blog that is not anonymous, with a few nuances. 

However, the key is for you, the anonymous blog owner, is to remain anonymous while doing so.

In this post, I’m going to go over how to promote an anonymous blog while you, the blog owner, remain anonymous. I will also answer some frequently asked questions regarding blogs and anonymity. 

Hopefully, by the end of this post you will have at least a good idea on how to promote your anonymous blog while not only keeping your anonymity, but to be able to gain as many followers, subscribers and loyal readers as you can while doing so.

There are plenty of posts on this site for Anonymous Blogs and Websites, including how to set them up, hosting them and their benefits. So have a read.

Using Social Media to promote an Anonymous Blog.

In the same way you’ve created an “Anonymous Blog” you can also create “Anonymous” or more accurately put “fake” social media accounts. 

As you already used a fake name to build a blog, now use that fake name or blog persona and create social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, etc. 

Remember social media is not a 1 day set it and forget it task. It takes engagement with others including not only your “followers” but with other influencers and like minded creators in niche as well, in order to build a following and remain relevant.


Facebook can be used to build up your followers and readership. You can even promote your Anonymous Blog through their very effective paid advertising. 

But, be forewarned, Facebook is very stingy with their traffic and is known for banning accounts at the drop of the hat. 

The best way to use Facebook would be to join some Facebook Groups related to your niche or subject. Remember to link to your blog in your Anonymous Blog’s Facebook page. 

Participate, befriend and follow others. Facebook’s system tries to squeeze you to pay for the access to your own followers though. Be patient. 

Facebook isn’t the answer most hope it would be. It certainly doesn’t bring a facade of “likes” pouring in, fake or otherwise. Those have to be earned.


The essence of Twitter is that it’s supposed to be a conversation, not a megaphone for self promotion. It works best by engagement, not just “tweeting” out “Read my blog post!”.

Get to know about and use hashtags, especially those related to your niche that are popular or even obscure, test them out, but use them correctly. It takes time to build a following and the time spent truly speaking to and engaging with your fellow “Twitterers” will pay off. It does have to be real and sincere, though.

Figure out what the certain pain points people in your niche have. Provide answers people are looking for with relevant hashtags. 

Start following others who have followed you and others in your niche and those similar, most of them will follow you back. Once you’ve built a massive following, send them to your blog by promoting a post, etc. 


If your Anonymous Blog is more “Business” and “Professional” oriented, maybe create an account on Linkedin or other, similar business social media accounts and grow them, Then use those accounts to promote your Anonymous Blog. 


If you have a very “visual” type niche or one that would make for a great visual niche with plenty of images, graphics and other visual content, you should have a look at Pinterest. Many bloggers, anonymous and otherwise have found great success “pinning”. Maybe you can too.

Here are some additional mainstream social media channels you should check out.

Other Social Media Platforms:

  • Instagram.
  • YouTube.

Quick Tips on creating “Anonymous” or “Fake” Social Media personas.

First, in the same way that you’ve created your online Anonymous Blog persona or name, use the same information, including email addresses that you’ve used in setting up your “Anonymous Blog” to fill in the fields of the social media platforms you wish to join. 

However, there may be some differences and extra steps you need to take when signing up on these social media platforms.

For example, you may need to create a fake address as well. Don’t worry you, nor anyone else, will be receiving any physical mail correspondence from these platforms.

You may also need phone verification, usually sent by sms, to “verify your identity”. Thankfully, there are a few “sms verification code services” you can use like this one:

But there are plenty of others since some of these free services may limit the amount of times you can use them. To find more simply Google “sms verification code services”.

Don’t worry, as with “fake” addresses, social media platforms aren’t going to be calling you on these numbers. They are only used once to “verify your identity”.

Below are some notes on various popular social media platforms in relation to how to promote an Anonymous Blog that you should be aware of.

Using Online Forums in your niche or subject matter to promote your Anonymous Blog.

Check out forums on and These are two of the most popular Forum types of Social Media on the internet today, Reddit actually has “sub reddit’s” for every possible niche conceivable. Join them! But more importantly, participate. 

But don’t just spam your Anonymous Blog like “Read my blog” in every thread. Read, answer questions, participate. 

Eventually, you’ll start getting to know the lay of the land and can begin with some light self promotion, but keep it relevant.

Don’t stop at Reddit and Quora though. There are literally thousands of forums all over the internet in, again, almost any niche and subject imaginable, so search them out and join.

Using Paid Advertising to promote your Anonymous Blog.

Most social media platforms, well nowadays, it’s safe to say that all social media platforms have paid advertising options you can use to promote your blog. Like, Google Ads for YouTube and Google. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Linkedin and so on.

You might want to give these a shot. Many offer 1st time discounts, like Google’s Adwords, many will offer special “promotional” and periodic discounts as well, so always be on the lookout. But learn how to use them first. 

Do some research on the ins and outs of using paid advertising. Specifically for the particular platform you want to try or else you’ll end up blowing a lot of money for little to no return. Do your homework!

How to pay for advertising for your Anonymous Blog.

This is where things may get a little tricky. You want to remain as anonymous as possible, yet most platforms will only accept legitimate and mainstream forms of payment from Bank Accounts, Debit and/or Credit Cards, PayPal, etc. 

Unfortunately, you can’t use the same tactics in setting up Bank Accounts and other payment channels as you could for setting up your Anonymous Blog or Fake social media accounts. So what can you do?

Fortunately, there may be a few ways to get around this. 

The first way is to pay with crypto currencies, Bitcoin being the most widely accepted, if accepted, form of crypto. I know that Adwords recently reversed its policy and now accepts Bitcoin as a form of payment. 

But, be warned, these things can change without notice, so before you buy any Bitcoin, check with the social media or other online advertiser first to see what their most recent forms of acceptable payments are.

The second way is to purchase a “virtual debit card” or “prepaid anonymous credit card”. Just Google the terms and you’ll find plenty of them. Most are legit, but do your due diligence first and don’t put a ton of money on them. 

Always read their terms and conditions as well. But they can also be a legitimate form of Anonymous payment that you can use to purchase paid advertising.

Using SEO to promote your Anonymous Blog.

Instead of wasting all your time and money on social media and paid advertising, spend it on writing. 

Take my word for it, if you have enough great content, like hundreds of posts and articles on your Anonymous Blog, you’ll stop promoting it by using social media, except for maybe sharing some of your posts which you can set up automatically on some of these networks. 

But the rest of the sharing will be done by your readers and followers. With enough posts you can get a decent amount of traffic, so that you won’t even care to share it anymore. Others or automation, will do it for you.

Focus 100% on your writing and creating great content. With tons of articles you’ll get a decent amount of Google traffic alone. 

Besides, it’s much less work. Write, write and write again and let Google do the rest. 

It’ll take time, but Google’s Search Engine Traffic is one of, if not the best form of traffic you can get. And best of all, it’s free!

Develop email and subscriber lists to promote your Anonymous Blog.

Like installing Google Analytics and Google Search Console on your Anonymous Blog, you should also put an email and subscriber list on your Anonymous Blog as well to give your readers a way that they, and you, will always have a way to connect. 

Although Google Search Engine Traffic is probably the best form of Traffic your Anonymous Blog can get, nothing beats your own subscriber and email list. 

What Google can giveth, Google can also taketh away with a core algorithm update or even deindexing your entire website from their search engine. 

But nobody can take away your contacts, your subscribers and your email list. 

Having an email and subscriber list is the “holy grail” for traffic to any blog. So start developing one and start early!

How to promote an Anonymous Blog and remain anonymous, conclusions.

As you can see, it is possible to promote an anonymous blog while remaining anonymous. 

It’s all a matter of protecting your anonymity, setting up channels of promotion and providing your readers, followers and subscribers with valuable content they can engage with and for you to be able to engage with them, all without revealing your true identity.

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