Is Auto Generated Content The Future And Should I Use It?

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What exactly is Auto Generated Content?

Auto Generated Content is basically using a content generation service that will give you access to software which is hosted on their web servers to create various forms of content for your website.

This sophisticated software, when combined with powerful data centers and fast cloud based servers, will scour the internet and find sources of content which answers a specific question as well as write about a certain topic or subject that you have given it.

Nowadays, the most common and highest quality form of Auto Generated Content is often referred to as AI Generated Content.

Auto Generated Content and the power of AI.

In the past, Auto Generated Content was done with what’s called “Scrapers”. Scrapers were basically software programs that crawled the internet and copied content that was related to a query, topic or even keywords that were entered into its software. 

It would then copy this content and give it to you. You would then publish it on your website. 

However, there was one big problem with this. That of course, was duplicate content. 

As we all know, or if you don’t, you should by now, Google does not like duplicate content. 

Neither do content creators who are more than eager and motivated to make sure that content gets taken down or at the very least, penalized by Google. 

Scrapers eventually evolved into the Scraper plus “Article Spinner” model. Some websites actually allowed you to opt for just the Article Spinner part and you would then choose to find content that they would like to copy on your own. 

You would then put it into this “Article Spinner” and the Article Spinner would churn out what was basically, paraphrased content. 

However, this content too, either didn’t do a good enough job of paraphrasing and would be flagged for duplicate content or it would read so horribly, that no one in their right mind would try to pass it off as a legitimate article for their readers.

Then came “AI Auto Generated Content”. From what I can gather, this is a highly improved Auto Generated Content software that combines all kinds of data processing and cloud computing power which allows it to pick and choose various sources of information that will answer a query, write about a topic given or even feeding it with just a few keywords to see what kind of content it can come up with. 

It will then focus on getting the best matches for those queries, predict what information or sentence would go next, then complete these sentences and paragraphs based on its “artificial intelligence”. 

I still personally can’t figure out how it does it exactly. 

However, I have heard mixed reviews on it. Still, the entire subject as well as the improvements made to to “Auto Generated Content” in general over the last few years has piqued my interest enough to look into this further. 

In fact, I think there may finally be a place for this type of tool for content creators. But only under certain conditions. 

In this post, I’m going to go over this type of “AI” Auto Generated Content and give you my conclusions as to whether or not it is the future and if you should use it.

Why use Auto Generated Content?

The obvious reason why you should use Auto Generated Content is to increase your content production for your website or blog.

We all know that content is king. Sure, you have those who feel that link building is totally necessary in order for you to compete in the Google SERPs, but don’t forget without content, you have nothing to link to. 

Without content you have nothing to promote. 

Therefore, the more content you have, the more opportunities you will also have in order to increase the traffic to your WordPress website. 

This is where Auto Generated Content creation can play a significant role, if done correctly.

When to use AI Auto Generated Content?

This is a tricky one. In the past, many website builders in the chase for more traffic, more clicks and more money would just use Auto Generated Content to build up their websites. 

Many went as far as to use Auto Generated Content to create what we’re called PBNs or Private Blog Networks. 

These were basically blogs created with only Auto Generated Content that we’re used for nothing more than to provide links to main websites. 

Another commonly known name for these PBNs were called “Blog Farms” or “Content Farms”. Google of course, nixed those over a few updates and so creating a PBN of your own nowadays is basically futile.

However, you can use the new AI Auto Generated Content creation tools to help you create content. 

I will go into more detail of how, in my opinion, it’s best to use these AI Auto Generated Content tools

But the key “word” here is you should use the Auto Generated Content tool as a “tool” and not a substitute for your own creativity and writing.

Is AI Auto Generated Content better than Naturally Written Content?

In my honest opinion, and what I could see from reading reviews of various AI Auto Generated Content tools, generated content still has quite a ways to go for it to become better than naturally written content by a human.

Nobody knows what the future holds of course. However, there’s nothing like a human touch to anything. 

All you have to do is look no further than YouTube. Have you ever watched a YouTube video that was made with auto voice software? I have and even the best ones are still hard to listen to. I want to listen to a real person, not some robot with a particular accent. 

Of course, we may see voice generated AI improve well before AI Auto Generated Content. 

But nothing will replace human beings as far as creativity is concerned in my opinion. 

AI Auto Generated Content still has its place though. If used correctly, it can do some of the heavy lifting in writing your content. 

It can also help spark the creative juices and give you ideas to improve and create even more high quality content for your readers. I will go into these in more detail below.

What are the shortcomings of AI Auto Generated Content?

The shortcomings of AI Auto Generated Content are, ironically enough, human related. You see, many will still use these AI Auto Generated Content tools to do ALL the work for them. 

Some of the poor reviews I have read were from dissatisfied customers who mistakenly thought that AI Auto Generated Content could basically take their place in writing content. 

As I’ve mentioned, AI is not even close to replacing human generated content. And this is the major shortcoming of AI Auto Generated Content tools

But this is more a misunderstanding of what the tool should be used for and how you should use it and not the AI Auto Generated Content tool itself.

What’s the best way to use AI Auto Generated Content?

One of the best ways to use Auto Generated Content, in my opinion, would be to use it as a prompt. 

By this I mean you outline your article or blog post, you use your subheadings as prompts for the AI Auto Generated Content tool. 

Then you see what each subheading prompt your AI Auto Generated Content tool generates. They may give you a fully fleshed out and well written piece of content for a whole section of your post. 

But they also may give you just a few sentences with the rest being total garbage. 

However, I would take the few good sentences that they do give you, add to them then, finish the paragraph. 

As a result, you can use these pieces of AI Auto Generated Content to spur your imagination to create even more content.

Sometimes they may even write the entire post or article for you. 

If this is the case, then you would need to also go back and possibly error correct grammar, wrong words, typos etc. This should be part of your editing and proofreading process anyways, regardless of whichever tool or resource you use. 

Then you can go back and maybe add a few extra points to each of the content the AI Auto Generated Content tool has created for you. 

In addition, you can also rewrite or re-word some of this content to make it more colloquial, add your own flavor and tone to the content so it sounds more personable. 

In any case, using an AI Auto Generated Content tool can do some of the heavy lifting for you, if you use it right. 

If you use it to totally replace a highly skilled human writer whether that is a freelancer or yourself, then it’s not going to really work for you. 

Although using an AI Auto Generated Content tool can do wonders for your productivity and increase it dramatically if you use it right. But you shouldn’t use it as a replacement for the expertise of a highly skilled human writer.

However, using an AI Auto Generated Content tool may replace some of your lower skilled freelance writers, believe it or not. 

When I talk about replacing lower skilled freelance writers, I don’t mean either experts in the field of whatever topic you want to write about, nor do I even mean highly skilled and fluent native English speaking writers. 

I mean ESL writers that you would still pay about .02 to .03 cents a word because of their lower English levels and communication skills. By using an AI Auto Generated Content tool you can actually replace these types of writers. 

This is because if you hire a lower level ESL writer, you will still need to first check for plagiarism, then proofread and edit their work. 

You will also need to add your tone and personality to whatever piece that they have written so it keeps with the tone and style of your entire blog or website. 

So why pay someone $20 or $30 to write a thousand word article, if you were going to still need to do all of the above before you even publish it? 

If you use an AI Auto Generated Content creation tool correctly, you can replace these lower skill level types of writers, in my opinion.

Will AI Auto Generated Content ever replace Human Generated Content?

The future is hard to predict. If an AI Auto Generated Content tool ever becomes as creative as a human being, then perhaps they may replace human generated content. 

But, I don’t see this happening. 

Let’s not forget that most jobs replaced by automation whether that’s artificial intelligence or robotics usually replaces mundane routine tasks that are meant to be repeated over and over again. 

They have not invented a robot or AI that can replace a human’s creativity as well as sensitivity in the creative arts, including writing. But time will tell.

Auto Generated Content conclusions.

To sum up, I personally would consider using an AI Auto Generated Content tool for some of my other niche websites. Even in those websites, only in certain areas. 

For example, in areas where I have to give detailed step-by-step instructions, specialized knowledge or anything that’s highly technical, I wouldn’t trust it to an AI Auto Generated Content tool. 

However, for more informational or entertaining topics that don’t require highly specialized knowledge or detailed instructions etc. then I believe an AI Auto Generated Content creating tool could really increase my productivity and content creation for some of the content on my other websites. 

An AI Auto Generated Content tool is only as good as it’s user though. So If you have a clear aim and realistic expectations for this tool and you continue to improve and use it, I believe it can be a very valuable tool to have in your niche website and content creation tool box. 

In fact, you may actually come out with much better content because of this tool than if you were to totally write content from scratch. 

In any event, I would highly recommend you try out and use these new AI Auto Generated Content creation tools so you can see for yourself.

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