Is it hard to build a WordPress website? No, here’s why.

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Is it hard to build a WordPress website?

WordPress is a very powerful tool. This means that you can create a full-featured website with it… but because WordPress itself has so many options and settings, it could be hard to build a WordPress website as well, especially if you want to keep things simple.

“Building a WordPress website can be as easy or as complicated as you make it.”

A lot of people say, “It’s so hard to build a WordPress site!“, but they’re just making life more difficult for themselves! You have plenty of options when it comes to themes, plugins and widgets.

If your goal is the simplest possible design with the least possible hassle, you can just get a free WordPress theme or even a simple premium theme with full support from GeneratePress, just in case and be done with it.

But if your goal is to create something beautiful, fun and engaging, then that’s going to take some work.

The good news is that you will learn so much in the process, and I’ve seen some of the most gorgeous sites built on WordPress.

Though, if you want something in between, well, you’ve got plenty of options there too.

Can a beginner build a WordPress site?

Yes, if you’ve never built a website before, you will with WordPress. All the while enjoying the benefits of not being tied to closed source CMS platforms like Wix, SquareSpace and Shopify.

You don’t need to be a coder, so there is no need to worry about touching code. WordPress provides you with the tools you’ll need to build your site, without compromising on flexibility or security.

WordPress allows beginners to focus on what’s important: Content.

The look and feel of your website can always be improved over time, but the basics of having a functional, secure site for your business is essential.

Building a WordPress site is also very cost effective and will save you precious time and money compared to other options available today.

Does WordPress require coding?

No, in fact WordPress was originally created for bloggers. WordPress allows you to update your blog directly from the backend. You can also choose from one of thousands of designs and layouts that suit your needs.

You can also easily post articles with areas for images, links, videos and quotes.

However, you have to know HTML if you are planning on customize your own theme or building one from scratch.

If you don’t understand HTML, that’s okay too, because the WordPress codex provides tutorials on how to build themes step by step.

Also, HTML does not have to be learned word for word. If you learn basic HTML structures and understand what they do, then it’s easy to build any kind of website.

Coding skills are not required when it comes to the basic layout of WordPress, neither are they needed in order to use WordPress as a blogging platform.

Is it better to use WordPress or HTML?

WordPress is better to build a website for many reasons. It’s easier to use, easier to manage, and has superior functionality.

In addition, to build a website with HTML is much harder than with WordPress. You have to know a lot of coding and you have to go through many steps whereas WordPress is ready for use right out of the box.

Also, there are many more templates available in WordPress than in HTML.

With the newest version of the CMS you can design a website that looks exactly how it should without any knowledge or experience with coding. The templates will have already done the work for you.

So really, if you are looking to build a website, WordPress is the way to go.

The only time HTML would be better is if you are looking to build a “static” only website and have very advanced knowledge of coding or want to show off your skills. Then otherwise, choose WordPress.

WordPress was designed so that anyone could easily use it without any knowledge of coding or other special programming languages.

With HTML you need to know how to code in order for your website to look right and professional.

Although HTML can also be used by many people, not everyone has the patience or the interest in learning how to use HTML.

So it’s better for people who are looking for an easy way out, to use WordPress.

WordPress comes with many templates that you can easily install on your website. These templates will make the design of your website look exactly as you want it tso without all the hassles of learning to code.

Also, there are thousands of templates that you can find and download for free on the internet, if you don’t like any of the templates included with your free WordPress installation.

With HTML there aren’t as many templates available and it is very hard to get a template for an image heavy website.

So if you’re looking for a quick easy way to make the design of your site look how you want it to, use WordPress.

WordPress has many functions that make using a blog or an eCommerce site much easier than with HTML.

You can create polls, add forums, comments section for each post, and so much more. With HTML you have to know how to code in order to do these things which can take hours or even weeks of work.

The best choice between WordPress and HTML is WordPress because it’s easier to use, has thousands templates, includes more advanced functions and all without having to write a single line of code.

Is WordPress difficult to learn?

It is, and it isn’t. It’s not something that will come naturally to most people. Most of us learn best by doing. We’re visual learners, we like seeing examples and step-by-step instructions before trying something out ourselves.

By reading or watching some basic tutorials, you can go from WordPress zero to WordPress hero in under a few hours.

By working hands-on, you can go from zero to a fully fledged, great looking and functioning WordPress site in a few days.

Should I learn PHP before WordPress?

This a question that often gets asked. The answer, of course, depends on what you hope to accomplish. If your goal is to become a WordPress Developer then yes, you should learn PHP before WordPress.

However, if your goal is to develop websites and you want a good understanding of the platform that many sites are built on top of… no, you don’t need to learn PHP before learning WordPress.

The important thing to understand about WordPress is that it’s a CMS, not a development platform.

Bottom line is you don’t have to know any PHP beforehand to create a WordPress website!

Is it hard to build a WordPress website? Conclusions.

The first time I built WordPress website was easier than I thought and that was well over 10 years ago. Today, it’s even easier!

Even back then with few options like Advanced Page Builders,block editors like Gutenberg, extensive sliders and galleries, eCommerce premium themes which fewer customization options, I still was able to build it exactly how I wanted it to be.

I used plugins, but not enough to make my site slow. I eventually bought a premium theme called GeneratePress, because the free ones didn’t have the options I needed.

So there you go, if you’re looking for something that’s already easy and not hard at all to build right out of the box, then WordPress is the best way to build a website.

If you want to build a blog/ecommerce site, you can do it yourself as well.

Just make sure to invest some time in your WordPress project to learn how everything works.

WordPress is like a Swiss Army Knife. It’s all the tools, but sometimes it’s best to learn just a few tools at a time in order to make things simple.

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