Is WordPress secure enough? Make it more secure! Here’s how!

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Is your WordPress website secure enough? If not, make it secure now! 

WordPress is a great Open Source CMS (content management system) that is available for free. It is extremely customizable, and with the right know-how, it can be molded to suit your needs perfectly. But, making sure your WordPress website is secure enough should be your number one priority!

So, is your WordPress website secure enough? You always need to take a “proactive” approach when it comes to the security of your WordPress website. Here are some ways you can do just that to make it more secure!

Check Your Website’s Security

Many website owners and managers will overlook the security of their WordPress website. This is a big mistake! You can start by getting Wordfence! It’s a free WordPress security plugin.

Installing a WordPress security plugin should be one of the first things you do when setting up your website!

You should always keep in mind that there is a chance someone is trying to get in!

Here is how to check if your site is secure:

Keep track of how many people are viewing and visiting your website on a daily basis.

This is a good indicator of how successful your site is.

If you see numbers go up, chances are more people know about your website and/or there is a chance someone is watching what is going on!

And that “someone” may not have the best of intentions. So, be vigilant!

Check heavy traffic fluctuations.

Check if there is a change in the traffic on your WordPress website. If you see a significant increase or decrease, someone is probably hacking into it!

If you notice something is going on, then search for that IP Address and ban it from your website immediately.

Use Better Security Software.

You should ALWAYS make sure your WordPress website is using the latest in security software! Think about all the time you have spent creating content for your site. Why give it away to hackers?

Make sure all of your files are secure by installing security plugins found on the WordPress official site.

You should also make sure that any passwords are extremely hard to crack, and always use different passwords for all of the different accounts you have.

Get a Firewall.

Get a firewall up and running to protect your website from hackers, DDoS Attacks and anyone trying to access your site who shouldn’t be. You can start off, AGAIN, by getting Wordfence!

Use Two-Factor Authentication.

If three is always a magic number, then two is definitely an important one when it comes to WordPress security!

Two-factor authentication is very simple, and is extremely effective in protecting your WordPress account.

Basically, after you enter your password for logging into your site, you will also need to enter a code that is sent to your phone. This is an extra layer of protection, and is highly recommended!

Take Advantage of the Latest Updates.

The WordPress team is constantly releasing updates to make this CMS safer for all users. Make sure you are taking advantage of these updates!

They are released every now and then, so it is important to stay up to date with them.

Never Give Out the “Admin” Account.

When you are creating your WordPress account, never give out the username “admin”. This is the main administrator account, and is typically easier for hackers to get into. Instead, use a different username for your “Admin”!

Use a Password Manager.

Most people have a tough time coming up with passwords for the many accounts they might have.

With a password manager, you can forget about trying to keep track of your different usernames and passwords!

All you need is one master password that is extremely secure, and is easy to remember.

Get a Trusted VPN.

A Virtual Private Network is one of the best ways to make sure your WordPress website is secure.

This is because a VPN encrypts all the data going back and forth from your computer to the internet.

It basically scrambles up information, so hackers cannot read it! Many require a monthly fee, but it is totally worth it!

Keep WordPress Updated.

Not only should you keep your security software updated, but you should also make sure that all of the files and plugins on your WordPress site are updated automatically.

Always Keep WordPress Core Up to Date Even though updating is important, not everyone is aware of this!

It is very important that you make sure the WordPress Core is up to date at all times. This is because if there are any security vulnerabilities found with WordPress, it is usually fixed in the next update.

WordPress is constantly releasing updates to fix existing vulnerabilities and many hackers might try to get into your website by targeting these particular spots. Keeping everything updated is extremely important.

Get an SSL Certificate.

Usually, all websites nowadays have the letters “https://” before their website URL. If you do not see these letters, then your site is NOT secure!

You should immediately update your website’s security through a WordPress plugin or contact the hosting company that is helping you host your site.

Having an SSL certificate is the best way to make sure all your information is encrypted and cannot be hacked. You can even get one for free nowadays through “Let’s Encrypt”. Installing it is easy with the WordPress plugin, “Really Simple SSL“. Use it!

If someone tries to get in through your website, they will instantly know because you will have a browser with a lock on it! This is free for up to one year before you need to pay for it, but is definitely worth getting!

Disable File Editing in WordPress.

Got a particular file on your WordPress site you do not make any changes to? Or is this file one of the very few files you can edit?

Well, if that is the case then you might want to disable editing on that file. If you have files that you do not need to edit, then those files should be made read-only.

Password Protect Directories.

Just as it is important to never give out the username “admin”, it is also important to password protect any directories on your website!

For example, if your WordPress website is “” then you should add a password to “wp-admin”. This is an extra step of protection, and is highly recommended.

Make Sure You Have Backups.

Just when you thought everything was safe and secure, something bad is bound to happen!

So, it is important that you have backups in place at all times.

This is because you could accidentally delete a file, or your entire website might get hacked.

Having backups is the best way to save yourself from this unfortunate situation!

Do Not Mix WordPress and Third-Party Software.

When you are using a third-party software to power your website (i.e. Adobe Flash), then make sure that it is separate from the WordPress login.

This is because if one is hacked, chances are they might try to take over both! So keep everything separate and safe, and you will be good to go!

Audit Your Site’s Code.

It is always good to find out if your WordPress site is secure, and the only way is by checking it through an audit.

When you run an audit, it will let you know which areas of your website need some work, or what things might need to be changed on your end!

Security software like Wordfence is great for this.

So, is your WordPress site secure enough? Conclusions.

These are just some of the things you should not only be aware of, but actually be doing to keep your WordPress site safe and secure.

Remember, when it comes to making sure your WordPress site is secure, you need to take a proactive approach.

This is because if you are reactive, you might be too late. And if your site is not secure or is hacked, all the money and time you spent on it will be gone!

So make sure to use some of these tips so your WordPress site is not only safe, but is actually more secure than ever before!

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