Is WordPress the best way to build a website? Yes! Here’s why.

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Is WordPress the best way to build a website? 

Yes! When it comes to content management systems, there are none as popular or ubiquitous as WordPress. Today, an estimated 40% of all websites are powered by leveraging WordPress’s easy-to-use interface. But wait! There’s much more!

There are many reasons why WordPress is the right choice for your website, including its easy-to-use interface, great community support and solid security.

Whether you’re looking to create a simple personal blog or website, a freelance website for your portfolio, a business website displaying your services, products catalogues or even an entire social media site, WordPress makes it very easy to get started.

Again, since WordPress is the most popular CMS on the planet, there’s a huge community of experts, tutorials, YouTube videos, WordPress Forums, all ready to help you with any issues that may arise.

Do professional website builders use WordPress?

If you’re asking this question, there’s a good chance that you are looking to build your own website. WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) today. But it can be difficult to use if you lack some skills.

Website building is one of the most in-demand skills in today’s world, but it’s also something that takes a lot of time and effort to become good at.

But you don’t have to be an expert coder or designer to use WordPress anymore. There are professional website builders that will use WordPress and can do all the groundwork for you.

So in the end, they end up giving you a professionally custom built WordPress website, that you should be able to run, manage and host anywhere you want. The best of all words.

Why is WordPress the best platform to build a website on?

Most websites are built on a combination of languages and frameworks. While there’s nothing wrong with this, WordPress allows you to do things differently.

The reason why WordPress is the best platform to build a website on is because it offers a lot of flexibility.

The development team, who are mostly volunteers, have worked hard over the years to meet the demands of webmasters from all walks of life, from bloggers to business owners, from side projects to established companies.

Whether you’re a student or a professional, whether you have deep development skills or just starting out, WordPress is the best option for everyone.

WordPress isn’t limited to just websites. It can be extended through plugins and themes which opens up a whole realm of the possibilities of what you can do with the platform. Here are some things that WordPress does better than other platforms:


WordPress is fast. For a website, speed is everything and today’s users expect pages to load in a few seconds at most.

The great thing about WordPress is that it doesn’t get in your way when it comes to performance.

There are also a lot of developers out there working hard to make sure that plugins and themes they create provide a fast experience for the end-user.


WordPress has always been about security, from before it even hit version 1.0. From simple things like helping users avoid common mistakes that put their sites at risk to big features like firewalls, login security and brute force prevention.

If you’re running a website on WordPress, it’s likely that you won’t have to worry about getting hacked.

WordPress is also flexible enough for you to build custom data stores which makes it easy for non-technical users as well as experienced developers who wish to create customized solutions without having to use large, expensive and complicated proprietary, closed source frameworks.


WordPress is easy to learn which means that you can get started with it quickly, perfect for people who would like to build websites on the weekend with their friends.

The development community is also active enough where new features are added over time, which makes WordPress more and more powerful with each release.

With these points in mind, it’s no surprise that so many websites are built using the WordPress CMS platform.

Is WordPress losing popularity?

No, in fact WordPress continues to gain in popularity! That’s why you see more and more of its CMS competitors advertisements everywhere you look.

It’s the only way they can compete!

Let me ask you this, “When was the last time you saw a WordPress CMS advertisement?

But WordPress’s popularity isn’t due to its advertising budgets, it has none. It’s free and open source, developed by volunteers.

WordPress is becoming popular because it offers the tools users need to succeed, nothing less and nothing more.

Does choosing WordPress mean that you have to deal with plugins?

Plugins are what makes WordPress powerful. But some people believe that they’re only used when dealing with complicated features on a site.

Most people think that building a site on WordPress with plugins is like stacking bricks without mortar.

In reality, most websites built with WordPress don’t use any custom plugins or paid themes!

In fact, many popular themes are free and use pre-made frameworks to handle the heavy lifting for you which means that if they’re good, then your site will be fast and secure out of the box.

Is WordPress capable of building any type of website?

Because WordPress is flexible. First, there are themes which means that you can have a completely different looking website just by switching out the theme.

Second, it has thousands of plugins that can give your site specific features.

Third, it’s flexible enough for you to easily build custom solutions with its powerful API and the availability of open-source plugins that can provide your site with pre-made features and functions.

How is WordPress different from other platforms?

WordPress is not a one size fits all solution, it’s tailored for people who plan to continue development on their projects even after the initial setup.

This is a great tool for people who want to build a website on their own without having to find a developer.

Why is WordPress great for startups?

WordPress isn’t just popular with big companies, it’s used by some of the most popular startups in the world!

It’s possible that you’ve already been using this platform without even knowing it. For example, who do you think runs

A lot of startups are built on WordPress without them even realizing it! But why is that?

Well there’s a good chance that they’ve hired a developer to install the platform for them which means that they don’t really know what’s going on under the hood.

Doesn’t WordPress have a lot of vulnerabilities?

It’s true that WordPress does have security issues just like any other platform, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll need to hire an expert developer or constantly keep your plugins up to date.

Most themes are now powered by large frameworks which means that the heavy lifting is done for you.

Most people don’t feel comfortable with WordPress because they think it’s just a blogging platform. In reality, this platform can do so much more than simple blogging!

Is WordPress the best way to build a website? Final thoughts.

WordPress is not just easy to use, it’s also flexible enough where you have full control over how your site looks and functions. This is the most important reason why WordPress is the best way to build a website and why so many people continue to build their websites with it.

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