Joomla vs WordPress for eCommerce, which is best? FAQs

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Joomla vs WordPress for eCommerce. The winner is!

WordPress is the obvious clear winner over Joomla for eCommerce. However, there are one or two caveats to WordPress you should know first, which I will go into more below.

Whether you are thinking about creating your own website or blog, starting an online store, or both. One of the most important decisions to make is which platform (i.e., content management system (CMS)) you should use.

The two major players in the industry are Joomla vs WordPress for eCommerce. For many years there have been discussions and articles written on the subject and while some people swear by one particular CMS, others claim that their chosen platform is far superior.

This post will try to shed some light on what makes WordPress such a popular choice among entrepreneurs over Joomla who wish to set up an online store.

What Is Joomla?

Joomla is a free and open-source CMS created in an effort to make web development simpler and more efficient. Something that was desperately needed.

It is very popular with many different types of website owners, including bloggers because it allows one to easily create stunning websites without having to spend any time learning how to code.

Still, there are also some limitations when using Joomla, which is why many people choose to use WordPress instead.

What Is WordPress?

WordPress is a free open-source CMS that was first introduced in 2003. Since then, it has become one of the most widely used platforms for creating both personal and business websites.

Because it’s so popular, there are several companies that provide paid support plans and hundreds of free plugins that provide additional features.

The main reason why WordPress is so popular is because it’s easy to use even if you don’t have any prior experience with HTML/CSS or any other coding language.

You can easily set up your blog or website in just a few minutes by using the famous five-minute installation process.

And because of the large community of users, there are hundreds of free and paid WordPress plugins that extend its core functionality.


Joomla vs WordPress for eCommerce.

There are lots of good CMSs out there that entrepreneurs can choose from based on their personal preferences.

For example, Drupal is another popular open source platform that offers users several fully-developed features and can be used to create an online store just like Joomla or WordPress.

So how do you decide which platform to choose?

WordPress and Joomla: Advantages and Disadvantages:


Joomla is one of the oldest and most trusted platforms for eCommerce. It was first introduced in 2005 by a group of developers who wanted to create an entirely new type of CMS.

One that would work with any website regardless of its purpose. And while Joomla is still considered one of the best platforms on the market, it’s not without its drawbacks:

While Joomla offers users a large library of free and premium themes that they can use to build their store, some entrepreneurs might find it difficult to choose between them because the majority of them aren’t mobile-friendly.

The platform’s paid themes are a bit pricey, especially for entrepreneurs who don’t want to spend too much on a store design.

Other than that, the templates look professional and they allow you to set up an online store in just a few minutes without any coding knowledge.

The biggest Joomla drawback is that it’s fairly complex and can easily feel overwhelming for beginners.

This makes Joomla a bad choice for entrepreneurs who are just starting out with their online business – this platform requires at least some technical knowledge to be able to use it properly.


WordPress was mainly designed for bloggers, but its core functionality allows users to build almost any type of website.

Because WordPress was developed to be super easy-to-use, it has gone on to become one of the most popular platforms for eCommerce entrepreneurs – and its popularity is constantly growing.

The main reason that makes WordPress an excellent choice for building your online store is its simple point & click interface which can be easily used even if you have no technical skills whatsoever.

WordPress is also the most popular CMS on the market which means that it has thousands of free themes to choose from, as well as a variety of fully-developed features that entrepreneurs can buy for their online business.

WordPress offers entrepreneurs complete control over their website’s design. They can easily edit any part of the store which makes it much easier to position products or insert new content.

This can be done by adding custom headers, creating sliders and other simple tasks that are easy for almost anyone to do.

A major drawback of using WordPress is that some plugins have a limited functionality, while they work perfectly fine, they don’t always allow you to add custom features.

Because WordPress is such a popular platform, it will be subject to a large number of cyber-attacks.

Hackers know that this CMS is widely used and they’re always devising new ways of taking over websites created on WordPress.

So while it’s very easy for entrepreneurs to manage their store, they have to keep an eye on their website to make sure that everything is working properly and there’s no security threat.

However, we can’t stop there. There are some additional advantages to using WordPress over Joomla.

Additional Advantages of using WordPress.

The Five-minute Installation Process.

WordPress is so easy to use thanks to the five-minute installation process. All you have to do is go through a few quick steps, answer some questions regarding your preferences (e.g., blog title, username etc.) and you’re good to go.

The WordPress Community.

Another reason why so many people choose WordPress is because it has a large and loyal community.

If you ever get stuck with setting up the platform or adding some additional features and plugins, just post your question on one of the various online forums, where you will receive support from people who’ve been using WordPress for years.

The Huge Number of Free Plugins That Extend the Platform’s Functionality.

Just like with Joomla, the main advantage that WordPress has over other CMSs is its huge library of free plugins that extend its functionality and allow users to easily add custom features without knowing HTML/CSS or any other coding languages.

Many of those plugins require little to no configuration and can be installed and activated with just a few clicks, while others do need some additional tweaking in order to work properly.

There are also plenty of premium WordPress plugins that provide even more features than their free counterparts – all you have to do is find them and pay for those that you find useful.

The Extra Security and Reliability.

WordPress is also popular among online store owners for its security and reliability.

Its plugin library allows users to make all the website’s processes as smooth as possible, preventing any errors that might hamper the shopping experience or expose user information to hackers.

While plugins can’t prevent hacking attempts altogether, they can reduce the risk of such issues occurring.

WordPress is an excellent CMS that offers all the features entrepreneurs need to build a successful eCommerce store, while at the same time making it incredibly easy for them to add custom features and plugins without any knowledge of coding or HTML.

Simply put, anyone can use WordPress regardless of their technical skills.

Joomla vs WordPress for eCommerce, conclusions.

As you can see, there are both advantages and disadvantages of using each CMS. But if we were to pick the overall winner, we’d have to go with WordPress.

It’s not only easier to use but it also allows entrepreneurs to create fully-functional online stores without having any coding knowledge.

If you want your website to be safe from cyber attacks, WordPress is definitely the best choice for you!

Now it’s up to you to decide which platform you will use for your website! Good luck with your business!

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