What is Offshore Hosting and why get it. FAQs.

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What exactly is Offshore Hosting?

Offshore Hosting is hosting your website in a datacenter that is not located in your home country and not subject to its laws. But there’s more.

Offshore Hosting is often known for hosting content that promotes illegal items or transactions that are banned in certain countries. 

However, Offshore Hosting has been gaining popularity in recent years as a viable option for those seeking privacy and freedom of speech protections as well. 

With the growth of political correctness, online censorship from social media platforms, the extreme right and left efforts to suppress opinions and narratives contrary to their own by using tactics like frivolous DMCA takedown notices to stifle their opponents, many seek to host their own web platforms in Offshore Hosting locations where these privacy and freedom of speech protections are provided.

Offshore Hosting is nothing more in actuality than hosting your website, data or applications to a data center located in a country outside of your own country’s jurisdiction. 

In other words, when you have Offshore Hosting, the location of the server is not in the country where the entity, private or commercial, is located.

Why get Offshore Hosting?

Offshore Web Hosting services are the answer to those Web Hosting needs that are restricted or outside the jurisdictions of your local government laws, rules and regulations. 

There are plenty of additional reasons to choose Offshore Web Hosting with a reputable Offshore Web Host based in a country like Iceland.. 

  • Freedom & Anonymity.
  • More flexible privacy laws than the U.S. and associated countries can offer.
  • Strong Freedom of Speech legislation and Privacy Protections.
  • Some of the highest English fluency rates in the world. Even experienced users can run into technical difficulties with their host. If this happens to you, you’ll probably want to work with an employee who speaks your language.
  • Multiple payment methods including. Major Credit Cards, PayPal, Bitcoin, even cash by mail.
  • Servers are based in Iceland.
  • Not a member of the “5 eyes”, “9 eyes” or “14 eyes” organizations as well as a non-signatory of the MLAT treaty.
  • DMCA Ignored Web Hosting Provider.
  • Offers Anonymous Offshore TLD’s (Top Level Domains, like .IS in Iceland).
  • Modern Developed rule of law, which also respects and protects personal freedoms and privacy.

If you’re interested in learning more about what an Offshore Web Hosting Provider in Iceland can do for you, check out Orangewebsite.

How can you pay for Offshore Hosting Anonymously?

The best way to pay for Offshore Hosting anonymously would be through the use of a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. 

You can also try to pay anonymously by getting a virtual credit card. But that can get a little tricky. 

Ideally, you should be able to pay for Offshore Hosting, anonymously in cash. 

In fact, I know of one such company that not only offers Offshore Hosting where you can pay with Bitcoin, but will even accept cash sent by mail! Can you believe that!

Which country has the best Offshore Hosting and why?

In my opinion, out of all the countries that claim to offer Offshore Hosting, the best Offshore Hosting you can find is in Iceland. This is for a variety of reasons including:

  • Ultra secure hosting.
  • Superior 24/7 support (response time within minutes).
  • 99.9% Server Uptime.
  • 30-day money back guarantee.
  • Sign Up Anonymously.
  • Modern Freedom of Speech legislation.
  • DMCA Ignored Hosting. 
  • Visa, Mastercard, Bitcoin, PayPal, Wire Transfer, even Cash by Mail is accepted!

In fact, you can get all this and more from an Offshore Web Hosting company called Orangewebsite based in Iceland.

Why is there no free Offshore Hosting?

Do you know the expression, “There is no free lunch.” This can be applied to anything that has value, including Offshore Hosting.

You are either going to pay for hosting whether that’s offshore or locally either on the front end or the back end. 

So, how can you try out Offshore Hosting for free to see if it’s a right fit for you? The good news is, you can get an Offshore Hosting account set up with a 30-day money back guarantee. 

If you don’t like it, no harm no foul. You get your money back, no questions asked.

Orangewebsite, as mentioned above, offers Offshore Hosting with the 30-day money back guarantee. Try it out for yourself. 

Not only will you find exemplary service and all the protections that come with Offshore Hosting from a first-world, modern country like Iceland, but you will see that the price for this is about the same as what you’re currently paying without all the protections locally in your home country. 

Sure you might be on some unlimited cheap hosting plan, but you wouldn’t be reading this if that cheap Shared Hosting Plan with one of the big boys was satisfying your Hosting and Privacy needs as well as protecting you. Would you?

What is an Offshore Domain?

An Offshore Domain is basically a domain name based on an Offshore Registrar. 

However, Offshore Domain names are considered TLD’s or Top-Level Domains. These are more expensive than regular .com’s or .org’s. They also include the suffix that clearly identifies them as an Offshore Domain. 

Offshore Domains, especially from a country like Iceland, which says strong privacy and freedom of speech protection are highly respected and known for its encryption and confidentiality.

So when a recipient receives one of your emails and quickly notices that “.IS domain”, they know it’s coming from a respectable and confidential source. 

Combined with Offshore Hosting you’re pretty much guaranteed all the protections that Icelandic laws and the freedoms it represents, can give you.

Can I host my website in another country?

Unless you come from a country that is under some kind of dictatorship, it’s more than likely that it’s perfectly legal to host your website in another country.

Does server location matter for hosting?

Offshore servers are servers located in countries also out of the jurisdiction of a client’s “home country”. 

That means that servers located in jurisdictions who don’t care about DMCA or any other local jurisdictions are ideal servers for content that might be otherwise prone to frivolous DMCA takedown notices, content which may be considered “Adult” in some countries and thus not welcomed on traditional servers, gambling sites, etc. Whereas in many countries these activities may be perfectly legal.

Examples of typical Offshore server locations are: Russia, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Panama, Switzerland, Iceland, Romania, Bulgaria, Singapore, etc. 

Although if you’re a citizen of one of these Offshore countries or your business is situated there, you may want to consider changing your Web Hosting to another “Offshore” country.

How can Offshore Hosting companies ignore DMCA notices?

Truly Offshore Hosting companies can ignore DMCA notices since they are normally located and countries that are not under US jurisdiction. You see, a DMCA notice is strictly a US-based legal procedure. 

The United States does have certain legal treaties and agreements in place with other countries. 

Therefore, you must be careful when choosing your Offshore Hosting company to make sure that they are not signatories to any treaties or agreements that recognize DMCA laws. This can get a bit murky. But one such country, Iceland fits the bill. 

This is unlike Web Hosting Companies based in the United States or countries with agreements with the United States, where your Web Host will simply either take the content in question offline or even shut down your entire website, until you settle matters with the sender of that DMCA notice. 

In other words. your local Web Host will automatically assume you guilty until proven innocent. With a true Offshore Web Hosting Provider, they will notify you of course of any DMCA notices, but that is more out of courtesy than anything else. 

They will not take down the content in question nor your entire website. They have your back. But why would your local Web Hosting Provider automatically assume you guilty until proven innocent and just take down your entire website over an accusation? 

Simply because they too can be liable for keeping up any content which breaks copyright laws or is considered questionable or illegal. And they don’t want to mess with the Feds. 

They figure DMCA take down notices are your responsibility to take care of.

They certainly aren’t going to spend money on lawyers on your behalf. It’s just easier for them to take down the offensive content or the entire website as a whole and let the webmaster deal with it. I don’t blame them. 

If I were in their shoes and I’m sure you would agree, I would do the same. Wouldn’t you? 

That’s why getting an Offshore Web Hosting Provider for your website can help insulate you from such frivolous DMCA take down notices. 

As political correctness, #metoo and woke culture has permeated many Western countries, many people behind these movements will take down any oppositional content by any means necessary. 

Even if that means using a legitimate law like DMCA for nefarious purposes including using it in the attempt it was not intended for, even illegally.

What is Offshore Hosting? Conclusions.

There you have it. What Offshore Hosting is and why you should get it. In fact, a more accurate name for this post should be what is Offshore Hosting and why not get it?

As you can see there are plenty of benefits to getting Offshore Web Hosting. Especially from a reputable company like Orangewebsite, which is based out of Iceland. 

Iceland has the best of all worlds in Offshore Web Hosting. It’s under no jurisdictions, legal agreements or treaties with the US, UK or any other country for that matter so your content is safe from nefarious actors who are, unfortunately, using legal tools like DMCA takedown notices for nefarious and often illegal acts, like infringing on others freedom of speech and privacy rights. 

Finally, for the cost of what you may be currently paying with your current local Web Host that may be based in the US or the UK, you can get your website hosted in a modern Western country with state of the art servers and fluent English-speaking support staff for roughly the same price. 

So why not get Offshore Hosting in Iceland today.

Web hosting in Iceland - OrangeWebsite.com