Why WordPress Is Better Than Any Other CMS Around! FAQs.

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Here’s why WordPress is better than other CMS out there!

In my opinion, WordPress is better than any other CMS out there. It the most popular, powering over 43% of all websites on the internet, it’s beginner and user-friendly, has the most themes and plugins, both free and paid and has the largest amount of resources, guides and user community out there. Even it’s security is top notch with free and paid software to help secure any WordPress website.

Here are 9 other reasons why WordPress is better than any other CMS on the planet:

  1. Flexible with more website designs and customization options than any other CMS.
  2. Advanced Security Software both free and paid options.
  3. User friendly dashboard.
  4. WordPress is more SEO friendly than any other CMS with numerous tools to help optimize your content for the Search Engines.
  5. Social Media plugins.
  6. WordPress has the largest ecosystem of developers than any other CMS.
  7. WordPress is intuitive and easy to use with a short learning curve.
  8. Even an absolute beginner with no coding skills can create a fully functional website with a single layout is simple so adding and publishing content is easy.
  9. WordPress has more configuration options, more functionality, customizations, designs and layouts to build any site you want. 

Here are some 12 more reasons why WordPress is better than any other CMS.

If you code, plugins are easier to write.

WordPress plugins are written in the same language as the core code, which makes it easy for people who know PHP to contribute to WordPress without having to learn a new system.

The plugin directory is full of very useful free tools to allow you to do anything from adding features, improving security or modifying the way that your website works.

WordPress SEO is simple.

There are various ways to improve SEO in WordPress, whether it be writing content or adding sitemaps and metadata.

This can all be done through plugins so you don’t have to go editing any code in order to get these features working for you.


WordPress is one of the most widely used platforms on the web, just about everyone knows what it is.

This makes support easier because you can instantly find help if anything goes wrong with your website.

Ready made themes.

There are thousands of free and premium WordPress themes available to use, so whatever kind of site you want, or need to create, there’s bound to be a suitable design.

WordPress is free.

WordPress is free and will always remain that way because of the fantastic community around the software.

Everyone wants everyone else to benefit from WordPress so they contribute back by releasing their own creations as open source for others to use.

No coding necessary to set up a WordPress website.

This is great news for people who aren’t tech-savvy and don’t want to spend hours getting a simple website off the ground.

It’s also great for people who don’t want to spend any money, because all you need is an internet connection and some WordPress hosting.

The point of WordPress is that you don’t need any coding know-how. If you can write a sentence in English, then congratulations: You just wrote your first WordPress post!

By logging in to the dashboard, you can browse your posts and pages and revise them as needed.

With a few clicks, you can change how they look on the front end.

There’s also a library of free WordPress themes that make it easy for novices to create a decent-looking site with minimal hassle, without going broke.

What’s more, there’s a supportive community that can help you troubleshoot problems or provide guidance for your site as it grows.

…which is simple enough to use even if you don’t have any coding knowledge…


WordPress has a dedicated team of developers working on the software to prevent security issues, but it’s also just as easy to install additional plugins that will protect your site from being hacked.

Easy backups.

Regular database backups are enabled by default, so if anything does go wrong you can easily restore your website back to the way it was.

Posting from mobile.

If your CMS doesn’t have a good mobile interface then you’ll find yourself being forced to edit posts on a desktop computer, making it harder and more time consuming than it has to be.

But WordPress is available in the app store so you can write blog posts or update your website anywhere you go by logging into your account.

Automatic updates.

WordPress will automatically update to the latest version without you having to do anything, making it much harder for hackers to find weak points in your software because they’ll be working with older code which is less likely to contain any exploits.

Sharing posts on social media.

You don’t have to remember to share your blog posts on social media anymore because WordPress comes with built-in support for sharing via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!


It’s very simple to modify the look of your WordPress website by installing a new theme. It even has built-in color schemes so you don’t have to do any CSS editing if you don’t want to.

…and the wide variety of widgets and plugins available for WordPress makes it easier than ever to take your site to the next level.

For example, you can use a plugin that automatically sends your posts to Twitter or one that inserts videos from YouTube into your blog posts.

There are also great apps like WPForms that will help you manage your contact form.

If you’ve ever tried to edit your contact form on a different website, then you know how annoying it can be.

WPForms saves all of that time and makes it easy by offering drag-and-drop forms that are mobile friendly and secure.

Security and regular updates for plugins.

Plugins are also automatically updated. Just click “auto-updates” by each plugin that is installed in the “Plugins” section on your WordPress dashboard.

This way you don’t have to worry about keeping on top of that.

If there’s a security issue with one of your plugins, then you’ll be the first to know!

There are many more reasons why WordPress is better than any other CMS on the internet today!

Is WordPress the most used CMS?

There are a lot of CMS’s out there, but WordPress is definitely the most popular and widely used.

In fact, WordPress powers about over 40% of all websites on the Web and it doesn’t seem to be losing any steam anytime soon!

Why WordPress is good for Google ranking and SEO.

It is no secret that Google rewards websites with better SEO than their competitors by placing them higher in search results.

This means that just about every website owner wants their site to rank highly for the most popular keywords so they can attract as many visitors as possible.

The question, therefore, becomes whether or not WordPress websites are good for SEO and how exactly they are beneficial.

WordPress is simply one of the best platforms for SEO available today.

It provides websites with a ton of flexibility that other CMSs don’t have, which makes your site much more versatile in terms of content and marketing, not to mention that it also lets you track keywords much easier than most other platforms out there.

WordPress is an SEO friendly CMS because it allows you to:

– Easily generate XML sitemaps.

– Add and remove tags and categories to your pages (and their URLs) as needed.

– Reduce duplicate content using custom permalinks and pagination.

WordPress automatically generates a unique URL for each page or post you create, so there’s no need to worry about things like canonical URLs.

– Posts and pages can be tagged or categorized in a user-friendly way that is both machine and human readable.

– WordPress websites are great for marketing because they allow you to integrate social sharing tools on each page or post of your website. This makes it possible for you to reach a potentially huge audience with each post.

– Easily integrate Google Analytics into your site, which makes it easy to track keywords and monitor progress over time.

– WordPress websites are good for SEO because they allow you to easily apply 301 redirects after moving pages or posts around on your website.

This is an easy way to make sure that your website’s internal links keep working after you’ve rearranged things.

– WordPress websites are SEO friendly because they allow you to customize the way your URLs look, which means you can make them extra long (which is good for search engine rankings) or use subfolders (such as domain.com/category/) instead of subdomains (like domain.com/category) or vice versa.

– WordPress is flexible, so you can easily choose the URL structure for your pages and posts without much effort.

For example, if your primary keyword has a lot of monthly searches, you might want to set up the permalink so it looks like this: www.domain.com/keyword.

Many WordPress plugins are available that let you optimize the source code for SEO purposes by excluding hidden content, rewriting titles and meta descriptions, and so on.

Why WordPress is better than any other CMS around, summary.

WordPress is a free, open source blogging system and content management system released by its founders Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little under the General Public License as version 1.0 on May 27, 2003.

Since that day it continues to be updated regularly with patches and new features.

WordPress is free: getting started with the CMS costs nothing. You don’t even have to pay for hosting or domain name either if you go with WordPress.com’s free blog plan.

However, if you self-host your WordPress site, then you retain a lot more control over it.

There are thousands of free themes and plugins you can use to get your site looking and functioning the way you want it too.

Self-hosting plans can start for as little as $5 per month and a custom domain name runs between $10-$15.

I hope that you now see as I had, why not only is there nothing WordPress is better than other open source CMS options like Joomla and Drupal, but closed source CMS options like Wix, Weebly, Squarespace and all other content management systems as well.

No reason not to get your own WordPress website right now!

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