WordPress: How To Create An All Posts URL. FAST FAQs!

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How to create an all posts URL in WordPress.

The easiest way to create an “All Posts URL” in WordPress is to use the WP Show Posts plugin. This handy little plugin allows you to easily create an all posts URL.

Simply install the plugin and activate it, and then use the shortcode [wpshowposts] to display a list of all your posts on one page. It’s as easy as that!

So if you’re looking for an easy way to create an all posts URL in WordPress, look no further than WP Show Posts.

Why create an “All Posts” URL in WordPress?

When you create a WordPress site, you automatically create an “All Posts” URL.

This URL is a great way to showcase all of your content in one place, and it can be a valuable tool for promoting your site.

The All Posts URL is the default landing page for your WordPress site, and it provides visitors with a quick way to see all of your latest content.

In addition, the All Posts URL is indexed by search engines, so it can help you attract new visitors.

Finally, the All Posts URL can be used as a shortlink, making it easy to share your content on social media or in other online spaces.

So if you’re looking for a way to promote your WordPress site, creating an All Posts URL is a great place to start.

How do I find the URL of a WordPress post?

If you’re looking for the URL of a WordPress post, there are a few places you can check.

First, take a look at the address bar in your browser. If you’re viewing the post on the front-end of your site, the URL should be visible there.

If you’re viewing the post in the WordPress admin panel, you can find the URL by clicking on the ‘Permalink’ button right below the post title.

Finally, if you need to get really geeky, you can access the database of your WordPress site and look for the post in the wp_posts table.

The post_name column will contain the slug for that particular post, which is usually similar to the URL.

So there you have it! Three ways to find a WordPress post URL!

Bonus tip: You can also find all the post URLs for a WordPress site by adding “/post-sitemap.xml” in the browser at the end of any site’s URL.

So if your WordPress site’s URL is example.com, you can find the post sitemap at example.com/post-sitemap.xml.

This will list all the post URLs for that site!

How to display all posts from a specific category in WordPress.

If you’re looking for a specific category of posts on a WordPress site, simply head to the home page and click on the relevant category.

All the posts in that category will appear, making it easy for you to find what you’re looking for.

So if you’re interested in reading all the posts about, say, gardening tips, just click on the ‘Gardening’ category, and voila, all the posts will appear.

You can also use the WordPress plugin ‘Category Post List‘ to display all the posts from a specific category on a separate page.

This can be handy if you want to create a dedicated page for a particular category, or if you want to display the posts in a different order than they appear on the home page.

It’s as simple as that!

How to create an all posts URL in WordPress. Conclusions.

Creating an all posts URL in WordPress is a great way to showcase all of your content in one place and to promote your site.

The easiest way to create an all posts URL is to use the WP Show Posts plugin, which allows you to easily create a list of all your posts on one page.

You can also find the URL of a WordPress post by looking in the address bar of your browser, or by clicking on the ‘Permalink’ button in the WordPress admin panel.

Finally, you can use the post sitemap to find all the post URLs for a WordPress site. Just add “/post-sitemap.xml” to the end of any site’s URL.

With this method, you’ll have full control over which posts are included in the list, and you can even choose to exclude certain categories or tags.

So go ahead and give it a try.

It’s a great way to boost your traffic and get more exposure for your blog!

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