WordPress: How to install a theme without FTP. FAQs.

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How to install a WordPress theme without FTP.

WordPress is a great platform for bloggers and website owners because you can set it up without the need to pay for hosting.

WordPress will store all of your files on their own servers, but if you already have hosting then the process is even easier. In this post we will cover how to install a WordPress theme without FTP access.

Basically, you can install WordPress themes and plugins without FTP access through the WordPress Dashboard.  Here’s how!

Simply go into WordPress and click on appearance> then select> add new. You can then upload your WordPress themes from there.

Themes that you install will need to be unzipped, if it is a WordPress theme with zip file extension rather than WordPress theme with .zip you will not be able to install the WordPress theme without FTP access.

So you will need to make sure the developer provides all your themes files in a .zip folder format.

You can also download WordPress themes directly on your hosting server in the wp-content/themes folder. This allows you to skip uploading WordPress theme files through WordPress.

Since WordPress is a great platform, they give users the ability to upload WordPress plugins without FTP access as well through WordPress dashboard.

Simply click on appearance in WordPress and select add new. You can also upload WordPress plugins through the WordPress plugin directory so you don’t need to download WordPress plugins on your server.

To install WordPress plugins without FTP access, simply go into WordPress dashboard -> appearance -> add new then click upload plugin at the top of the screen.

WordPress Theme Installation without FTP FAQs.

Here are some frequently asked questions about installing a WordPress Theme without FTP access.

Can I install a WordPress Theme from my File manager?

Yes, you can install a WordPress theme from your file manager. After uploading the WordPress theme to your hosting account, simply go to the wp-content/themes directory and upload it there.

What does it mean to install a WordPress theme?

Installing a WordPress theme means you are adding the look and feel of your website. With many designs available, you can easily find one that best suits your needs.

With a few clicks you will have a new look without touching a line of code or hiring an expensive web designer.

This is what makes WordPress so special.

How do I install a theme from WordPress?

Go to Appearance -> Themes and select Add New. Click on Upload, choose your zip file and click Install Now. After installation you can activate the new theme or revert back to any of your currently installed themes with a click of a button. It’s that easy.

How do I install a theme from my computer?

Go to Appearance -> Themes and select Add New. Click on Upload, choose the WordPress theme file location on your device and click Install Now. After installation you can activate the new theme or revert back to any of your currently installed themes with a click of a button. It’s that easy. Again, make sure your WordPress Theme’s files are all contained in a .zip file so it can upload properly.

How do I update my theme?

Go to Appearance -> Themes and select the theme you want to update. Usually Theme developers will automatically send all their theme updates through WordPress. They will then show on the themes page, select update and you are all set!

What is a child theme?

A child theme allows you to create a custom WordPress Theme based on an already existing WordPress Theme without touching the original theme files.

This then makes future upgrades and updates easier because you don’t have to re-apply your changes each time the parent theme gets updated.

You can actually upgrade the parent WordPress theme at any time and your changes will be kept, the only thing that doesn’t keep is any new customization you might have done on top of the parent theme.

Then you just need to merge your changes again. This way you keep your customizations and avoid going back to square one in case the theme developer updates their original theme.

What is the difference between a parent and child theme?

The main difference is that with a child theme, you can edit or add whatever you want without changing the original files of the parent theme. A child theme provides a safe way to modify an existing WordPress Theme.

How do you install a WordPress child theme?

Go to Appearance -> Themes and click Add New. You will then see an option to upload your child theme zip file via theme uploader.

How do you update the parent theme?

Then simply select update instead of add new. When you do this, it will detect that there is a child theme activated and not overwrite your changes with the parent theme.

How do you revert back to the original Theme?

If for whatever reason you want to revert back to the original WordPress theme, follow steps 1 and 2 then simply click Revert instead of Update. Your child theme will be deactivated and your changes with the parent theme will be kept.

How to install a WordPress Theme through FTP access and cPanel’s File manager.

Just in case you change your mind and want to install your WordPress theme through the FTP access in cPanel, it’s easier than you think.

You can always login to your file manager and access the themes folder, for this tutorial we will use cPanel’s file manager.

Once logged in, click on Themes and you will be given options to upload a WordPress theme zip file or activate a downloaded theme from WordPress.org or any other source.

You can also access the themes folder via FTP. Simply login to your FTP and go to /wp-content/themes folder.

Here you can upload a WordPress theme .zip file or activate a downloaded theme from WordPress.org or any other source.

WordPress: How to install a theme without FTP. FAQs summary.

I hope this post helped you learn how to install a WordPress Theme the right way! All without having to use FTP.

However, at the end of this post, I did give you some quick instructions on how to install your WordPress theme with FTP through cPanel, if you want that option. It’s easier than you think!

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