You Want A Domain Name, It’s Taken But Not In Use. Here’s What To Do!

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Here’s what you can do if you want a domain name and it’s taken.

So you’ve got a great idea for a website, but when you go to register the domain name, you find that it’s already taken. Bummer! Now what?

Well, don’t despair! There are still some options available to you.

The first thing you need to do is find out who owns the domain name and how to contact them.

This information is available through a WHOIS lookup. Once you have the owner’s contact information, your next step is to reach out and make an offer to buy the domain name from them.

They may be willing to sell it to you for a reasonable price, or they may not be interested in selling at all.

If they’re not interested in selling, your next best bet is to try and negotiate a lease agreement with the owner.

This way, you can use the domain name for a set period of time (usually 1-5 years) and then renew the lease when it expires.

And if all else fails, remember that there are plenty of other great domain names out there, you just have to keep looking until you find one that’s available and fits your needs!

Let’s take a look at a few more options.

1. Wait and Try Again later.

One option is to wait and try again later. The owners of the website might let the registration lapse, in which case you’ll be able to snag the domain name when it becomes available again.

This isn’t always the best option though, as you might not be able to get the exact name you want or someone else might beat you to it.

2. Try a Different TLD.

Trying to come up with a new website but feeling frustrated because all the good .com domain names are taken? Don’t give up just yet! There’s still hope.

You can try other top-level domains (TLDs) like .net, .org, or .io.

These are often less crowded and therefore more likely to have the domain name you want available.

Not sure what a top-level domain is? It’s the part of a web address that comes after the “dot” (like .com, .net, or .org).

In addition to being less crowded, domains with these TLDs can also be cheaper and easier to find.

So if you’re having trouble finding a .com that’s available and within your budget, definitely give one of these alternatives a try.

The Pros of Trying a Different TLD. 

There are several advantages to using an alternate TLD over a .com.

First, as we mentioned, they’re often less crowded, which means there’s a better chance that the domain name you want will be available.

Second, they can be cheaper. The price of domain names can vary depending on the TLD, but in general, you’ll find that .net and .org domains are cheaper than .com domains.

For example, at GoDaddy, one of the largest web hosting and domain name registrars in the world, a .com costs $11.99/year while a .net costs $8.99/year and a .org costs $9.99/year.

So if you’re on a tight budget, an alternate TLD could help you save a few bucks.

Finally, they can be easier to find because there are fewer of them competing for attention online.

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), this can give your website a bit of an advantage over those with more common TLDs like .com or .info because there’s less competition for keywords related to your website topic.

3. Get Creative with Your Domain Name.

If all else fails and you just can’t find the perfect domain name, try getting creative with hyphens or other variations.

If you’re set on a particular domain name but finding that it’s unavailable, get creative with your spelling!

Try different variations of the spelling (e.g., replacing vowels with numbers or adding/removing hyphens), or abbreviate words in the domain name (e.g., using “&” instead of “and”).

Just make sure that your new domain name is easy to read and pronounce or you might lose potential visitors down the line.


Don’t let an unavailable domain name stop you from starting your dream website!

There are plenty of other options out there. All you need to do is get creative and put in a little bit of extra work.

Remember, if the domain name you want is taken but not in use, you can:

1. If the domain name you want is taken but not in use, you can wait and try again later.

2. If the domain name you want is taken but not in use, you can try a different top-level domain (TLD).

3. If the domain name you want is taken but not in use, you can get creative with your domain name.

With a little bit of effort, you’re sure to find the perfect domain name for your new website in no time.

With one of these methods, you’re sure to find the perfect domain name, for your new site in no time or come up with an even better name than the one you originally had your heart set on!

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