Divi vs Generatepress, FAQs from a former user.

Divi vs Generatepress, FAQs from a former user.

Divi vs Generatepress, a former user’s experience with both.

I have to say for the outset that I had started out as a Divi user, then migrated right over to GeneratePress and have been a happy customer ever since!

In this post, I am going to go over why I made that move, and why, despite all the advertising and marketing money Divi throws out there, GeneratePress is still a far superior product. Especially for those of us who don’t code.

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Is WordPress secure enough? Make it more secure! Here’s how!

Is WordPress secure enough? Make it more secure! Here's how!

Is your WordPress website secure enough? If not, make it secure now! 

WordPress is a great Open Source CMS (content management system) that is available for free. It is extremely customizable, and with the right know-how, it can be molded to suit your needs perfectly. But, making sure your WordPress website is secure enough should be your number one priority!

So, is your WordPress website secure enough? You always need to take a “proactive” approach when it comes to the security of your WordPress website. Here are some ways you can do just that to make it more secure!

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