Does WordPress Use JavaScript? How To’s And FAQs For Non-Coders.

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Does WordPress use JavaScript?

Yes, WordPress does use JavaScript. Even though WordPress is built upon the programming language called PHP, it also uses HTML and CSS as well as JavaScript. 

So why does WordPress use JavaScript? Do I need to know JavaScript in order to use WordPress? 

I will answer these questions along with some other FAQs as well as give you a few tips on how you too, as a non-coder, can not only benefit from JavaScript, but how you can also implement JavaScript to enhance your WordPress website. Even if you are not a WordPress developer or PHP programmer.

In fact, you can implement quite a few functions in JavaScript into your WordPress website without really having to understand the code itself. 

Though, you will need to do this in a way that does not break your WordPress website. 

Even WordPress developers can sometimes break a WordPress theme or website by implementing JavaScript in the wrong way. 

However, there are ways even non-coders can implement many JavaScript functions into their WordPress website without breaking it as well. I will go through these as well.

Why does WordPress use JavaScript?

WordPress uses JavaScript for a variety of reasons. First, JavaScript is the language that allows the visitors to your WordPress website to interact with it. 

JavaScript is used for simple functions like logging into a website, remembering passwords and login names.

It’s also used when your users fill out a form, watch a video, use an image gallery or even various search functions and other activities you want them to engage with while visiting your website. 

If you are using any for example Google Maps, Google Analytics or any third-party plugins for your WordPress website, then your website is using JavaScript. 

JavaScript helps a WordPress website run much faster since it is basically a client side programming language. 

This means that JavaScript, although you can use it on the server side and it’s very powerful when JavaScript is used in the backend or server side meaning on your server, most of its uses are through the visitor’s browser. 

JavaScript remembers a user’s history with your website. This allows your user to, for example, view images and interact with your website without them having to reload the whole page every time they want to use a function like look at a new photo in your image gallery. 

It’s great for your website because it allows your website to run faster, since user information does not have to pass all the way through to your servers and then back to your user again. 

Although some information does need to pass through to your server. For example passwords and other sensitive data. 

Though, for normal functioning of your website, most of this can be done using JavaScript through the user’s browser.

Do I need to learn JavaScript to use it in WordPress?

It would be great if you could learn JavaScript so you could use it most effectively on your WordPress website or if you have clients, on their WordPress websites. 

Even so, it’s not necessary to learn JavaScript in order to use it for yourself on your WordPress website. 

You should of course become familiar with the concept behind JavaScript and have a general idea of how it’s used and why it’s used, as well as recognizing how some of the coding that’s used in JavaScript is written. 

However, for many of its uses, you really don’t need to know how to code with JavaScript in order to benefit from it. 

I will show you some ways on how you can implement JavaScript even as a non-coder into your WordPress website below. 

In fact, there are many code snippets around that you may want to implement into your website to improve its functionality or to widen the scope of functions that your users can perform while engaging with your WordPress website. 

The tricky part is how do you implement this Javascript code into your wordPress website without breaking it. 

In this post, I will show you as a non-coder how you can implement this. 

Although there are other ways to implement JavaScript of course if you are a developer and know how to code for WordPress websites as well. 

However, I will not go into that aspect of implanting JavaScript, but through an easier and safer way to implement JavaScript into WordPress websites for non-coders. 

First, let’s go into the difference between JavaScript and WordPress.

What is the difference between JavaScript and WordPress?

JavaScript is a programming language. Whereas WordPress is a content management system otherwise referred to as a CMS. 

WordPress uses JavaScript, but WordPress is built on the language called PHP. As with other sites on the web today, it also uses HTML and CSS as well. HTML and CSS provide the scaffolding that your web posts and pages are made from.

How can a non-coder use JavaScript in WordPress?

As a non-coder the best way to use JavaScript in your WordPress website would be through the use of plugins. 

As a non-coder or non-programmer or non-developer, it’s always safe and good practice to never mess around with your theme’s PHP files or coding. 

A major reason why many WordPress websites break when someone is trying to add some JavaScript into their WordPress website is because they try to add it directly to their PHP files or even directly into the WordPress post or page they’d like to change. 

Although adding JavaScript into a post or page is a little safer than adding it directly to your PHP files, even if added to the post or page can cause it to break.

Another reason why JavaScript can break a WordPress website is because most, if not all, of the plugins of a particular website usually includes some JavaScript in them. 

Sometimes these plugins will not play nice when a new piece of JavaScript is added to the website. 

Whether that code is either placed in the wrong area or conflicts with instructions written in JavaScript in one of the other WordPress plugins that are actively installed on the website.

The best way for a non-coder to add JavaScript to their WordPress website safely would be through the use of a plugin. 

Yes, there are plugins that can allow you to safely add pieces of JavaScript code to your WordPress website. 

The beauty of these plugins is that if you follow the instructions correctly, they will allow you to place the code snippets in the correct place into your WordPress website. 

Pieces of JavaScript code can also be found, accessed and taken out if needed as well, especially if there are any conflicts, without you having to hunt around in your PHP files for that piece of JavaScript code. 

These plugins are designed to place pieces of JavaScript code exactly where it belongs. 

This takes out a lot of the guest work when adding JavaScript to your WordPress website, especially if you do not know PHP. 

I will list some of the most popular plugins that you can use to safely add JavaScript to your WordPress website below.

Where do I put JavaScript in WordPress?

Most basic functions of JavaScript in WordPress are either added to the header or to the footers of a WordPress post, page or throughout the website itself. 

Although some JavaScript can be added in the <body>, it’s best not to unless you have a plugin that will allow you to do this safely. 

For example, JavaScript is normally added to the header sections. It’ll be in the header section, If the desired function needs to happen before the main content or <body> is loaded into the browser. 

JavaScript is added to the footer sections of a WordPress website when these functions should take place after the content has loaded into the user’s browser. 

So with that in mind, you should have a better understanding of how JavaScript functions within your website.

Should I learn PHP or JavaScript first for WordPress?

If you are going to be a WordPress developer, you should learn PHP first. Why? Well, WordPress is built on PHP. PHP is the language that powers WordPress. 

However, to be a fully rounded WordPress developer you should also learn JavaScript as well. 

JavaScript will help you develop your WordPress website and make it as interactive as your clients want their website to be. 

Of course a firm knowledge of HTML and CSS should be a given for any developer especially a WordPress developer.

Which is better to learn: PHP or WordPress?

If you are going to become a WordPress developer it’s better to learn PHP of course. This is because WordPress, as I have mentioned, is built on PHP. 

However, if you are just interested in creating WordPress websites using already built themes, plugins etc. and you are not interested in doing the hard coding, but just want to understand the whole WordPress ecosystem, how WordPress is supposed to function as well as troubleshooting and a potential issues, then you should learn WordPress. 

Though, the beauty of WordPress is that you can actually hire out a lot of the custom PHP work If necessary, without fully knowing PHP yourself. But this will significantly affect your pricing as well as your ability to troubleshoot should issues arise.

Are there any JavaScript WordPress plugins?

There are quite a few JavaScript WordPress plugins that you can use, especially as a non-coder, that will help you implement JavaScript functions on your WordPress website. 

Basically what these plugins allow you to do is insert already written Javascript into your WordPress website. 

For example, if you found a certain function or feature with the code already written  on, or and you would like to add it to your website or just a post or page, these will allow you to do so.

Please note, you should beware not to insert any code from a developer from an online forum that you do not know or who’s work you are not familiar with. Why? 

Because malicious code could be added to the script which could cause all kinds of havoc to your website. 

Here is a list below along with their key features.


This plugin allows you to customize your WordPress site’s appearance by easily adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify the theme or plugin files. This is perfect for adding custom CSS or JavaScript tweaks to your site.


  • Text editor with syntax highlighting.
  • Print the code inline or included into an external file.
  • Print the code in the header or the footer.
  • Add CSS or JS to the frontend or the admin side.
  • Add as many codes as you want.
  • Keep your changes also when you change the theme.


This shortcode plugin allows users to create custom shortcodes for HTML, JavaScript and other snippets. Now the shortcodes can be used in posts/pages and the snippet will be replaced in place.


  1. Give a name for the shortcode.
  2. Paste the HTML/JavaScript/CSS as shortcode content.
  3. Save !

Now insert the shortcode [sc name=”my_shortcode”] in your post/page.

Voila ! You got the HTML/Javascript/CSS in your post.


  • Create custom shortcodes easily and use them in any place where shortcode is supported.
  • Have any HTML, Javascript, CSS as Shortcode content.
  • Insert: Custom parameters in shortcode
  • Insert: WordPress parameters in shortcode
  • Multiple editors: Code, Visual and text modes.
  • Globally disable the shortcode when not needed.
  • Disable shortcode on desktop, mobile devices.
  • A button in the post editor to pick the shortcodes to insert.
  • Supports Gutenberg.


Note for users of WordPress 5.0 and above: please see the FAQ for details on using this plugin with the block editor.

Code Embed allows you to embed code (JavaScript and HTML – it can’t be used for server-side code, such as PHP) in a post, without the content being changed by the editor. This is incredibly useful for embedding third-party scripts, etc. The plugin is used by many large sites, including Mozilla.

Key features include:

  • Add HTML or JavaScript to posts or pages – particularly useful for embedding videos!
  • Embed in widgets using the Widget Logic plugin.
  • Global embedding allows you to set up some code in one post or page and then access it from another.
  • Modify the keywords or identifiers used for embedding the code to your own choice.
  • Search for embedding code via a simple search option.
  • Add a simple suffix to the embed code to convert videos to responsive output.
  • Embed an external script directly using just the URL.

And much, much more!


Add a map generated with LeafletJS: an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Map tiles are provided by default through OpenStreetMap, or MapQuest (with an app key). Can be set per map with shortcode attributes or through the dashboard settings.



Add CSS, JavaScript, and even HTML and PHP to our unique code blocks, then choose exactly where you want the code to run.

  • Run your code on: Pages, Posts, Custom Posts, Tags, Categories.
  • Run your code on common sections (e.g. Entire Website, Website Backend, All Pages, All Posts, Recent Posts, Blog Index, All Categories, Search Pages, All Archives, Tag Archives, Author Archives, Attachment Pages, 404 Error Pages).
  • Run your code via: URLs, or Regular Expressions (Regex).
  • Add front-end code without modifying your Theme files.
  • Add functionality code without core file hacks or custom plugins.
  • Embed scripts from GitHub, Code Canyon, JSFiddle, etc.
  • Add visitor tracking, advertising and affiliate scripts.
  • Embed social media channels or marketplace store widgets.
  • Streamline your website development – whether solo or in a team.
  • No need for FTP – just add your code, click save, see the change.


So you want to show more content but not affect users’ experience?

This plugin hides the predefined text, through a shortcode and based on your choice, leaving the remaining one visible to the search engines.

Your readers will be also able to read more content by pressing the ‘Read More’ button, without having the page reloaded.

Once you press, “Read more” button, it will expand.

They will also be able to hide it again by pressing the same button, which would have been converted to ‘Read less’.

It works via a shortcode and can be placed everywhere!

You can change its colors through its settings menu!

Simple usage: [read more] Your long text [/read]

There are quite a few more JavaScript installer plugins, just click the link.

WordPress and JavaScript conclusions.

Just to show you how important JavaScript is in the WordPress ecosystem today, here is an article about the potential dangers that JavaScript can pose for WordPress websites: “WordPress Targeted in Large-Scale Attack

However, if you are really interested in enhancing the performance of your WordPress website for your users, then look into some of the many functions that adding a little extra JavaScript can do for your WordPress website. Even as a non-coder.


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