Getting Anonymous Cloud Hosting for your website. FAQs.

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What is Anonymous Cloud Hosting?

Anonymous Cloud Hosting is basically Cloud Hosting that you can get anonymously. 

This means that you can set up, not only your domain name and website anonymously, but you can also get Cloud Hosting for that website and domain anonymously as well.

Why get Anonymous Cloud Hosting?

Many website owners want the power and flexibility of Cloud Hosting, yet would like to have their projects remain anonymous too. 

Therefore, getting an anonymous Cloud Hosting plan is ideal for those purposes.

How do you get Anonymous Cloud Hosting?

Finding a Cloud Hosting provider who will host your website anonymously isn’t too difficult. 

The only question you need to ask yourself is, “How anonymous do you want your website Cloud Hosting to be?

You see, even some Cloud Hosting providers who do offer degrees of anonymity for website owners, may themselves, require some form of identification. 

Others may not require any forms of identification or even a physical address, but their payment systems may not allow for you to purchase their services anonymously

Even those Cloud Hosting providers that do offer to provide anonymous Cloud Hosting complete without any forms of identification as well as offering forms of payment which do not also require identification may not be anonymous enough for you.

As a result, you really need to decide how anonymous you want your website as well as your Cloud Hosting to be.

How do I buy a domain and host it on the cloud anonymously?

If I were to buy a domain and host it on the cloud anonymously, these are the steps I would take to do so. 

However, some of you may not want or even need to go this anonymous. 

Whereas others may want to take more steps and go deeper into anonymity. 

These deeper steps in anonymity and hosting your website whether that’s on the cloud or someplace else, may require you to go onto the deep dark web. 

This is something I am not familiar with nor care to discuss in this post.

So here are the steps I would take to get Anonymous Cloud Hosting:

    1. Get a VPN.

You can get one here at Proton VPN. This VPN you can get anonymously as well. You can even purchase it with Bitcoin if you like.

    2. Create an anonymous online identity. 

It’s easier than it sounds actually. Simply use your VPN go to either ProtonMail and open up yourself an email account or open a Gmail account.

Remember, when creating an anonymous online persona or identity, never use information, even simple information such as a name or location etc. that can be traced back to you.

Create a Gmail account then get a Gmail email address. Or create a Proton account and get yourself a Proton email address.

    3. Next, go to and sign up for their Cloud Hosting plan.

Do this through your VPN and your anonymous online persona.

    4. To pay for your Cloud Hosting account anonymously, you can either pay through Bitcoin or simply send Orangewebsite cash in the mail, believe it or not.

If you do not know how to buy Bitcoin, but you do have a PayPal account.

Simply go to your PayPal account and purchase some Bitcoin.

You can use that Bitcoin to then purchase your Cloud Hosting plan through Orangewebsite.

What I like about Orangewebsite is that it not only is an offshore hosting provider, but it takes privacy seriously. 

For example, if someone wants to send you a frivolous DMCA takedown notice, Orangewebsite will not respond to it. 

Of course, if Orangewebsite feels that you are doing anything illegal with your website hosted on their platform or since they’re based in Iceland and if your content breaks Icelandic law, then of course they may take action. 

However, Iceland has very strict privacy protection laws and Orangewebsite is outside the jurisdiction of the United States, the UK and even the EU.

In all honesty though, if someone or some authority really wants to take your website down there’s very little you can do. 

However, in the majority of cases, you’d have to be doing something very nefarious and illegal for any of that to happen. 

So if it’s a simple matter of keeping your projects that you’re working on out of the way of prying eyes or you want to express your true freedom of speech rights, which is getting more difficult even in countries which profess to guarantee it under their constitutions, Anonymous Cloud Hosting your website offshore is the best way to go.

Can a website owner be traced?

If a website owner truly wants to be untraceable from most parties that may be interested in finding out who the owner of a particular website is, then they can be pretty much untraceable. 

However, if authorities for example, truly want to find out the owner of a website in all likelihood they have the means to do so. 

This post isn’t for that type of anonymity. 

Like I said at the intro, there are ways to go very deep into the dark web, where a website owner can’t be traced. 

This post is only talking about how most people can go about working on their website projects anonymously where their information can’t simply be looked up through “Whois” directory. 

Or even through more sophisticated methods. 

But I don’t profess to be Jason Bourne from the Bourne Identity, so this post may not do you any good if going all out Tor and setting up a .onion domain and hosting what you’re looking for.

Anonymous Cloud Hosting conclusions.

As you can see getting Anonymous Cloud Hosting can be quite an easy way to remain Anonymous.

The key is to remember to first get yourself a VPN, then create an online, anonymous persona by opening up accounts with the platforms I went through above like from ProtonMail and/or Gmail. 

Once you do that, then simply buy some Bitcoin and use those anonymous accounts to purchase a Cloud Hosting plan with an offshore provider like Orangewebsite who value anonymity and respect not only privacy, but freedom of speech as well.


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