Here’s How To Use WordPress To Make An Anonymous Blog. Fast FAQs!

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How to use WordPress to make an Anonymous Blog!

In this post, we will show you how can easily use WordPress to blog anonymously, all the while keeping your personal information away from prying eyes.

Although the best option for starting an anonymous blog is to self host your blog by downloading WordPress from instead of, we will show you how to use WordPress to make an anonymous blog using both options.

Here’s how to set up a WordPress Anonymous Blog for free:

Step 1: Get yourself an Gmail address under an alias.

Step 2: Go to and create a blog on their free blog plan. Use a fictitious name and the gmail address you set up under an alias.

That’s it! However, as you will soon come to learn, you will be severely limited with what you can do with a WordPress anonymous blog in’s free plan.

Therefore, you will need to either find an anonymous way to pay for’s Pro plan and simply transfer your free WordPress anonymous blog over or go for a self hosted WordPress anonymous blog.

Here’s how to make a self hosted WordPress anonymous blog:

  1. Get a VPN (Anonymously, if you can).
  2. Get an anonymous email address.
  3. Register an anonymous domain name.
  4. Get anonymous hosting and download WordPress.
  5. Pay for your anonymous domain name and hosting anonymously.
  6. That’s it! Just sign into your new WordPress anonymous blog and start posting, anonymously!

Check out this Post “How to make an anonymous website. Step by step.” where we go into each of these steps in more detail. By the end of the post you too, will be able to set up an WordPress anonymous blog fast and easy.

WordPress Anonymous Blogs Pros and Cons.

Here are the Pros and Cons for setting up an Anonymous Blog on WordPress. Hopefully, these will help you decide if an Anonymous Blog on WordPress is worth it and/or motivate you to move forward. 

WordPress Anonymous Blog Pros.

  • Freedom of Speech and Privacy Protection.
  • Feel free and more comfortable with the things you share.
  • Blog about sensitive topics (i.e Topics that could get you fired).
  • Become an anonymous “whistleblower” about controversial, immoral or even illegal activities in your company or community.
  • Create a “sex blog” about what you link in the bedroom, that may cause you, family, friends or even your spouse about your favorite “kinks” without jeopardising your security or sanity.
  • Avoid being judged by people you know for your points of view.
  • Push the envelope towards controversy when trying to make a point without fear of being called out.
  • Create an entire persona based on the person you’d like to be, but your current situation prevents you from becoming. You never know, you may decide to even “out” yourself one day when the time is right.

WordPress Anonymous Blog Cons.

  • People may start to figure out what area you live in or even who you are based on photos and other content.
  • Trolls, hate mail, horrible comments and harassment.
  • You may begin to feel like you would like to share more personal information about yourself. 
  • Setting up social media accounts linking to your Anonymous Blog and staying anonymous on social media are difficult. Social media pages may even get throttled.
  • Being open makes you appear more authentic to your readers and adds credibility to your points of view and content. This is especially true if you have an authentic topic. Lifestyles, personal development or weight loss, even talking about investment strategies etc. will add more weight and authority to your content. Would you trust advice from someone you don’t know?
  • Being anonymous often restricts you in what you can say. If you want to be taken as an influencer or as an authority this could be an issue.
  • Readers may feel less connected to blogs that hide behind anonymous names and avatars.
  • It’s difficult to join many social media groups, like in Facebook, because you can’t be commenting as yourself, which you don’t want to do. Also putting photos of yourself, your family, town and or workplace would expose you.
  • Difficult to monetize an Anonymous WordPress Blog since many advertisers and affiliate marketing programs require your real ID and banking information to send payments to.

What are some self-hosting options for setting up an Anonymous WordPress Blog?

You are quite limited when you have a WordPress Anonymous Blog that is hosted on 

Some of the most important limitations are that it doesn’t protect you from DMCA takedown notices if someone finds your content offensive and wants it taken offline. 

In addition, you are also quite limited If you want to monetize or eventually monetize your Anonymous WordPress Blog.

The best way to get around these limitations is to have your WordPress blog self-hosted anonymously through an Offshore Web Hosting Provider that not only allows you to host your WordPress blog anonymously, but would also allow you to pay for it anonymously as well. 

Furthermore, Offshore Web Hosting offers much more than simple anonymous web hosting. 

An Offshore Web Hosting Provider like, located in Iceland, offers protection against frivolous DMCA takeout down notices as well as stringent freedom of speech and privacy protections. 

There are several posts on this website dedicated to Anonymous Blog Hosting. Just simply click on the link and check them out for yourself.

How to use WordPress to make an Anonymous Blog, conclusions.

There you have it. A few ways that you can use WordPress to make an Anonymous Blog. You can either create a free Anonymous Blog on 

Or if you want more freedom, flexibility and more options with what you can do with your Anonymous Blog built with WordPress, you can have it self-hosted on an Offshore Web Hosting Provider as well.

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