How To Self Host Your Own WordPress Site. Step By Step.

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How to Self Host a WordPress website?

If you’re asking this question “How to self host a WordPress website”, then we have to assume (hate that word) that you’ve never self hosted a website before. If that’s the case, then this post is for you. 

Here is how to self host a WordPress website in 6 easy steps:

  1. Buy a Domain Name.
  2. Get a Self Hosting Account from a Web Provider.
  3. Redirect Your Domain Name Servers from your Domain Name Registrar to Hosting Account’s Servers.
  4. Choose To Install WordPress.
  5. Download and Install WordPress.
  6. Choose your WordPress Theme & Plugins.

In this post, I will first go over those basic steps above of how to self host a WordPress site in more detail below. Then answer some frequently asked questions about self hosting a WordPress website. 

But, here are a few things you need to know first in how to self host a WordPress website:

The first thing you will need before even starting to install your new site is a server. There are several options available, but the three most popular are VPS (Virtual Private Servers), Dedicated Servers, and Shared Hosting. 

Starting out with Shared Hosting.

Shared Hosting plans are recommended for first timers because they are easier to use, the cheapest of all self hosting plans and will do the job. Shared Hosting plans range in price starting around $5 per month on average.

Another thing you’ll need is a little web development experience. If you’re not familiar with how self hosting works, how to access your web hosting dashboard, how to install WordPress (or any other CMS), how to protect it from hackers, how to back-up the site data (content, images, etc.), how users are added and how to add SSL certificates; you will probably need some help. 

Fortunately, there are many resources to help you along like Google, YouTube videos and don’t forget, your Web Hosting Provider’s support and documentation sections filled with step by step instructions and FAQs. Use them!

Lastly, for having a successful self hosted WordPress website you’ll of course, need a domain name.

Self hosting your WordPress site, step by step.

Here are the steps (that were listed above) on how to self host WordPress on a Shared Hosting plan from a major brand Web Hosting Provider such as: SiteGround, HostGator or Bluehost

Follow these steps and by the end you’ll have a fully working install of WordPress running on a Shared Web Hosting plan from one of the major brand Web Hosting Providers.

Step 1: Buy a Domain Name.

First, you will need to buy a domain name from a domain name registrar. Then you will need to point the DNS Nameservers from that registrar to the Web Hosting Provider you choose with the DNS records they give you for your new domain.  

Step 2: Get a Self Hosting Account.

The next thing you must do is get yourself a Web Hosting account and sign up for a Shared Hosting plan. Once you have both of these things, login to your cPanel (which is the most common dashboard most of the major web hosting brands like HostGator, Bluehost and SiteGround use nowadays) and under the domains section click on addon domains. Enter in your new WordPress site’s information and click on add. 

Step 3: Domain Name Servers.

Then scroll down to where it says domain name servers and input in your domain registrar’s nameservers for this new domain. 

If you are not sure how to do this, contact the company that registered the domain for you or consult their website for instructions on how to do it. Once you have completed all of this information, hit save changes. 

Step 4: Choose To Install WordPress.

The last thing you need to do is choose to install WordPress. You can do this manually, but the best way to do it would be through your hosting account’s dashboard. 

To do this, follow these next short, additional steps:

Scroll down to the ‘Domains’ tab. Then click on the install WordPress icon.

This will allow you to input your new domain name and how you want to connect it with the install of WordPress. By default, they should both be set to ‘subdomain’, so leave those as is. 

If you scroll down in that section, you’ll see how to use the WordPress “one-click install” button. 

Click it and you’ll be taken to a page where you’ll see how to install WordPress by filling in the blanks.

The only two things that need filled out should be: 1) Site Name which should be self explanatory, and 2) Admin Username which will be the first half of your WordPress login (e.g. “admin”). 3) Choose a password and an email address where you want all your access information emailed to.

Step 5: Download and Install WordPress.

Once you’ve filled out how to install WordPress simply click on the ‘Install Now’ button. Your web host will then open up a new browser window that will have your newly installed WordPress website all set up for you. 

You will want to go into settings and set up things like date formats, Homepage settings etc. It will all be pretty self explanatory. Just don’t go into the PHP files, unless of course you know PHP.

Step 6: Themes & Plugins.


Now log into your new WordPress site’s dashboard and pick a theme you like.  Picking a theme is  how to personalize how you want your site to look and how it should function. 

There are plenty of free themes you can choose from to get started. In your WordPress dashboard, go to themes, click on add a new theme. 

Then simply add a few keywords like “restaurant” “portfolio”, etc. to find a theme that best fits the style you want your website to look like. 

Don’t be shy, you can click on and download as many themes as you want and preview them. Once you’ve chosen a theme you can delete the rest, but keep the default theme, just in case. 

Then activate the theme and follow the layout instructions the theme’s developer includes. You can also visit the developers website for more information about your theme.


Go to plugins, you can add whatever functionality you want into your site, but for now keep it simple and just keep the basic plugins that come included with your WordPress installation. 

You can always add or delete plugins as you go along and get to know what your site needs in terms of functionality later. 

Finally, go back to the WordPress Dashboard and update it. WordPress website by installing WordPress, choosing your theme, applying some settings and getting acquainted with some very simple plugins that were included with the installation through your Web Hosting Provider.

And there you have it! Congratulations! You’ve just learned how to self host your WordPress site on a Shared Hosting account from one of the major brand name Web Hosting Providers.

Why set up a self-hosted WordPress Blog.

Setting up a self-hosted WordPress blog will give you much more control in how you manage and run your blog. 

For instance, if you have WordPress hosting on you will be limited in which themes and plugins you can have on your site. 

By self-hosting your WordPress blog you can choose any Web Hosting Provider and plan you like. 

For example, you may start out with a Shared Hosting plan on HostGator, then you may want to upgrade that Shared Hosting plan to perhaps a Cloud Hosting or even a VPS Hosting plan. 

You can also control your hosting costs by choosing the best Hosting Provider at the best cost. 

You can also migrate your WordPress website including all your themes, plugins etc. to another Web Host as well, if you feel the need.

Can I get a free WordPress download, if I self host?

WordPress CMS is free, whether you self host your WordPress website or have it hosted on 

WordPress is free to download and host anywhere you like. You can get a free WordPress download from most major Web Hosting Providers, like the ones mentioned above. 

If for some odd reason your Web Hosting Provider does not offer a free WordPress download, you can simply go to and download it onto your local computer.

Is WordPress a hosting site? does offer web hosting services on their site. 

Do not confuse, however, which is the nonprofit open source foundation project for WordPress with the for-profit owned by the company called Automattic.

How to self host your own WordPress site, summary.

As you can see, you can self host your own WordPress site quite easily. 

You have a plethora of Web Hosting Providers to choose from as well. 

Downloading WordPress onto your self hosted web hosting account is quite easy to do. You can have a WordPress website up on the internet in minutes. 

Self hosting a WordPress website also gives you a lot more freedom, flexibility and control in what you can do with it and where you can self host it. 

So don’t let self hosting stop you from taking on more control over your WordPress website.

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