Is WordPress Only For Blogs? It’s So Much More! Here’s Why.

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Is WordPress for blogs only?

WordPress may seem like a blog platform because it’s very popular and used mostly for blogging. However, WordPress isn’t only for blogs. Here are some of the amazing things you can build with WordPress:

  • Business websites, Big and Small.
  • Portfolio websites.
  • Forums.
  • eCommerce stores.
  • Affiliate websites.
  • Informational and content websites.
  • Newspaper and Magazine websites.
  • Non-Profit websites.
  • Freelance websites.
  • eLearning and Online courses websites.
  • Podcasting websites.
  • Photography and Gallery websites.
  • And so much more…

WordPress itself is much more than just for blogs! WordPress has evolved into one of the most versatile platforms available.

In this post, we are going to go over just how much more you can do with WordPress than just build a blog.

It’s very easy to get WordPress installed on your site and be able to publish content quickly. WordPress is a great way to get started with publishing content online.

But WordPress can do so much more than blogging! In fact, WordPress is used by many businesses, authors, photographers and other creatives as their full platform for showcasing their work online. It’s easy to drag and drop various page elements to create a great presentation.

With WordPress you can use the different plugins available for WordPress and make WordPress do more things, like automatically tweet your new posts or be able to sell products from your website.

There’s a WordPress theme for any type of site you want to create with WordPress. WordPress is open source and WordPress themes can be found in the WordPress theme repository or on WordPress’s official marketplace.

Can I have a blog without a website?

Absolutely! WordPress is a blog platform, but can be used for a simple website too.

If you don’t want to have an entire site with various pages and would rather have a nice looking post page instead, WordPress is perfect for this. Simply install the WordPress software on your domain, create an awesome theme and start posting content on your site.

While it’s possible to use WordPress for a simple one page site, it’s recommended to go with a WordPress theme specially designed for this type of website.

There are various simple and elegant themes available that will give your post pages a great look without all the clutter of unnecessary elements on your site.

Since there are no design or layout limitations with WordPress, you can change the entire look of your site by simply changing the theme.

Just like for blogs, there are tons of great WordPress themes available to make your one page website look awesome!

You can also check out our comparison post on free blog platforms if you’re looking for a simple solution instead of WordPress.

Can WordPress be used both for blogs and websites?

WordPress can be your website, but WordPress can also be your blog. You can choose to split WordPress between your blog and website by installing the WordPress software on one domain name (like and setting up a separate WordPress installation on another domain name (like

You can also install WordPress on your root domain name ( and create separate blog posts or pages for it if you don’t want to have everything published under one site.

What is the difference between WordPress website and blog?

WordPress also provides the option to create custom websites with various templates. Some of these templates are free, others are offered to users at a price.

For blogging, the WordPress platform is designed for simplicity and ease of use. Just post your articles or content and you’re done! You can personalize your blog by changing the look of your theme, but that’s about it.

WordPress websites are very flexible and you can use the drag & drop page builder to create your pages or even change themes if you don’t like the current theme. There’s no need for any coding knowledge when using WordPress. All you have to do is drag and drop content elements, images and text to create your page.

How does WordPress work?

WordPress is open source and works on PHP, MySQL databases. It’s easy to install the software on your own server or you can use a hosting solution built for WordPress like wpengine .

Once the WordPress software is installed, you’ll be able to access it by typing in your domain name in the browser. From there on, you’re good to go!

You can create custom layouts with drag & drop elements and WordPress will automatically generate all of the HTML code for you, no coding knowledge needed!

Is WordPress free for blogging?

WordPress is absolutely free for blogging and creating a blog or website with is completely free as well!

If you want to have your own custom domain name, however, you’ll need to purchase a premium package from that will give you access to the theme directory and other features. Pricing starts at $5 per month.

To purchase a premium package or sign up for, simply go to the WordPress website ( Make sure you type in .com after “WordPress”) and click on the “Sign Up” button at the top of the page..

Is WordPress free if I host it myself?

WordPress is absolutely free to use if you install it yourself on your own hosting. WordPress software can be downloaded for free and you can set up all of your content, posts and pages without paying any extra fees.

If you host it from our own computer and have a plan with your Internet Service Provider that includes the ability to host a website. If not, you will have to get yourself a Web Host.

There are loads available and it’s easy to set up. Actually, it’s so easy and cheap that most opt for just getting a Web Host instead of bothering with their ISP.

WordPress blog or website hosting will cost $5 – $15 per month depending on how much storage, bandwidth and databases you need.

Is a WordPress blog better than a website?

WordPress is very flexible and the software can be used to create both blogs and websites.

A blog can really be anything. You can use it as your personal diary or build a portfolio website with it. You’ll need to install separate plugins for portfolios, stores, galleries etc if that’s what you’re looking for.

As mentioned earlier, WordPress websites can be very flexible and you can use the drag & drop page builder to create a unique layout for your website.

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems on the internet. In fact, 40% of all websites on the web today are powered by WordPress, chances are pretty good that someone has already created a theme or plugin that will help you build your website.

WordPress is also one of the most secure platforms and you won’t have to worry about security issues as long as you keep your WordPress installation up to date.

If you thought WordPress was just for blogs only, think again!

WordPress is the most widely used and trusted content management system on the web today. It’s now considered as a way to build full fledged websites, not just blogs!

WordPress is easy to use and you can create your website without any prior coding knowledge, simply by using drag & drop page elements.

You can build any type of website with WordPress, from a blog to an ecommerce store. WordPress uses highly customizable themes and plugins to give you complete control over the look and feel of your site.

WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS because it’s secure, flexible, can be used for free and has a massive user community that can help you solve any problem you might encounter.

So, the answer it’s a resounding YES! WordPress is definitely not for blogs only!

Start your WordPress blog, website or ecommerce store today!

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