Does WordPress require coding?

Does WordPress require coding?

Does WordPress require coding? No, coding required, but.

WordPress does not require any coding from the website owner or user. Does knowing coding help when dealing and working with WordPress? Sure. 

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Add a WordPress alert message, the easy way.

Add a Wordpress alert message, the easy way.

How do I set up a WordPress alert message notification?

The best way to set up a WordPress alert message notification is to simply install the Better Notifications for WP plugin in your WordPress dashboard.

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Does WordPress cost money? Time vs Money.

Does WordPress cost money. Time vs Money

Does WordPress cost money?

WordPress doesn’t cost money. In fact, not only is WordPress free, but you can also use free WordPress templates and even have your WordPress website hosted for free.

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How to copy a WordPress theme from a website and get away with it!

How to copy a WordPress theme from a website and get away with it!

How to copy a WordPress theme from a website?

There are three ways you can basically copy a WordPress theme from a website, they are:

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20 All In One WP Migration Alternative plugins.

20 All In One WP Migration Alternative plugins.

All In One WP Migration alternative plugins.

Migrating a website from one host to another can be a big endeavor and if you’ve never done it before, like me, it can seem not only overwhelming, but more expensive than you think. 

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Make a Sticky Image in WordPress with a plugin, FAQs.

Make a Sticky Image in WordPress with a plugin, FAQs.

Does WordPress have a sticky image plugin?

Unfortunately, WordPress does not have a sticky image plugin. However, WordPress does have several plugins which can create a sticky image for your WordPress website. 

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Is Elementor Pro worth it or a waste of money. 12 FAQs.

Is Elementor Pro worth it or a waste of money. 12 FAQs.

Is Elementor Pro Worth it? 

If you love designing your website to look fantastic, make your pages and block posts to  also look unique, colorful as well as having a ton of functionality within each post, then you can’t go wrong with Elementor Pro.

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Wordfence free alternative options. Should you make the switch?

Wordfence free alternative options. Should you make the switch?

Are there any free Wordfence alternatives worth switching to?

First, yes, there are free Wordfence alternatives. Here are the most popular Wordfence alternatives: Sucuri, iThemes Security, Cloudflare, SiteLock and MalCare Security. However, none give you as many features as Wordfence. 

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WordPress, here’s how to switch back to the classic editor.

WordPress switch to classic editor

How do I switch from Gutenberg to the classic editor in WordPress?

The Classic WordPress editor, called the TinyMCE Editor, is now available in a plug-in.

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Free SSL Certificates vs Paid SSL Certificates: Is there a difference?

Free SSL Certificates vs Paid SSL Certificates: Is there a difference?

What is an SSL certificate and how does it work?

Basically an SSL certificate is a private, secure handshake between the client side  or “website” and the “device” that comes to it.

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